Bonjour Monsieur! (Please don’t sue me 😱)
That’s ok, sometimes I’m right, sometimes I’m wrong, I tried to block many of the more extreme left wing progressive instances on this website (there is a lot) but it didn’t let me, hopefully in a future patch I can block all lgtbq++ premium content and leave it just for you guys to read and comment on, then you won’t have to suffer with me like I do you :(
Thanks again for letting me know you dislike my viewpoints, this means very little to me though as I’m aware that you dislike my viewpoints, you may not believe this but I disagree with some of your viewpoints as well! I just don’t go around literally posting that I’m rolling my eyes as you guys seem to do quite often?
What? I don’t delete my comments due to criticism? Where did you see this?
I’m so confused, one look at my profile shows hours and days of discussion and having to put up with condescending smug crap like this:
Sometimes I’ll post something, realise I don’t care enough about the topic and delete my comment usually within a few minutes