Frank [he/him, he/him]

Nice try feds fedposting

  • 1 Post
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 31st, 2020

  • I got a ton of use out of hanging a hydration bladder/camelbak off the back of my seat. Being able to drink water one handed without have to fiddle with bottle caps felt much safer on the road.

    Tooth brush, towel, and basic toiletries are nice if you want to get a quick shower at a truck stop.

    You can download maps from google in advance in case you run in to spotty coverage. It might be worth getting an old school printed on paper road atlas in case you have any trouble with your electronics

    Ymmv, but i have a couple of magnetic “yay police” and other right wing brainworms bumper stickers for driving through hostile territory. Idk if it helps, but anything that keeps thieving rural cops off your tail is worth considering.

    Sunscreen! I’ve gotten sunburn on my left arm while driving for long distances before. I though car windows had uva/uvb filters but i guess not?

    Bring some change in case you run in to an unexpected toll road somewhere.

    Toilet paper! You never know.

    Extra socks and an extra pair of shoes.

    I hope you have a fun trip!

  • Every time I’ve been asked to learn about Windows this year has resulted in “Haha fuck you who do you think you are? The owner of this computer? Eat shit pleb you belong to steve balmer now”.

    You wouldn’t believe the amount of bullshit you have to go through to exorcise Edge. Some people told me “This is to protect the user” so i sent them back a picture of system.32 in the recycle bin.

  • Yeah, that’s a good analysis. I’ve gotten in to it with friends over “consumer choice”, where they tell me “Oh, the customers didn’t want x thing that’s why you can’t get x thing” and I’ll hit back with “The manufacturers decided they didn’t want to support x thing for whatever reason, or that they could squeeze people for more money without x thing, and they have hegemonic control over the market share for that kind of product, so they can force the consumers to do what they tell the consumers to do” and they look at me like I have three heads. : p

    Makes me think of the guy who, afaik, is the only guy in the world who is a reliable source for working floppy disks. The little ones, the big ones, the really big ones that are from before even my time. He works really hard to track down any intact ones he can get, then re-sell them to people who have ancient, ancient systems running key infrastructure.

    Dammit someone turned on accessibility features and now there’s confetti on my screen whenever I click. fedposting Ted stop messing with my machine! fedposting

  • Honestly people should probably be thinking about future-proofing things and putting as much media as physically possible on to drives in anticipation of whatever the next wave of bullshit. At some point Samizdat2.0 will probably be the only way to preserve and share media under the capitalist censorship regime. They’re just going to keep cracking down and cracking down and cracking down until no one can move without bleeding for the privilege.

    As they said in the bad old days: Keep circulating the tapes.

    Until we can pull this whole bullshit edifice down, kick it in the kidneys a few times, and set it on fire the only way to protect media from the companies that “own” it is going to be little people with really big RAID arrays.