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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023

  • I think the biggest problem that people have with NGE is that it just isn’t your typical shounen anime. All of the characters behave in a way because of their past experiences. Shinji being abandoned by his father, witnessing his mother’s death without actually understanding or realising it, asuka being neglected by her mother and Rei being a clone. And all of them in their teens, in a broken world getting told to fight and probably die or humanity is doomed.

    With how saturated anime are with flawed main characters that then use that flaw to their advantage to overcome their enemy, NGE just doesn’t do that.

    I think that viewers just expect this hero story when they watch it.

    I mean. I had a similar impression when I first watched it a long long time ago and thought that shinji was a wuss. But that was after I watched the typical shounen, DB, DBZ, Naruto and bleach. Not to mention that I didn’t understand what the fuck was going on. Only later after watching it a second time and digging into the background a bit, shinjis Oedipus complex, asukas hedgehog dilemma and the general motivation of each of the characters it made a lot more sense. Including the context of their situation made me appreciate the storytelling a lot more because it put everything into perspective.

  • DnDBeyond is a tool that you can use to play your campaign. It also has and offers the rule books but also campaign books digitally for your account.

    So no, when you rely exclusively on the hardcopy books that you have to play the campaign, then this wouldn’t really matter much to you. However, when they decide that you cannot use DnDBeyond to keep track of your campaign and characters and so on with a previous version then you would either need to convert to those new rules or not use DnDBeyond anymore.

  • Well, I can only speak from my own experience.

    When the PS5 launched I wanted to upgrade but you literally couldn’t get it because it wasn’t in stock anywhere. You could only find it on eBay of some private seller that started at almost double the price, no, thank you. Then Sony introduced this “Register and on the next event you get a slot to buy one from the official Website” which was great. I got invited the first time and literally couldn’t buy it because the website was broken. Whenever I wanted to select my payment method the checkout got blank and there was nothing you could do. Even worse was that you couldn’t hard refresh the shop because this would have killed the session that the website needed to allow you to buy it. So, even switching browsers with the same “invitation link” didn’t work. I reported this to the support, but they didn’t really care. half a year later, I got my second invitation link and the same happened then as well. I reported it again to the support, but they still didn’t know what to do with that information or wanted to troubleshoot this.

    And now, there isn’t really a need for it anyway. The Games that I would have wanted to buy on the PS5 released on the PC.

  • I would recommend watching the video…

    What you say is “easy” is great for a comment on Reddit or Lemmy but it doesn’t really provide anything to the actual problem.

    The problem is that a company “just” doesn’t, why would they do this anyway? It would open their IP to be forked, modified and used for something else by someone else. That isn’t what they want you to do.

    Since there is no incentive and no one is forcing them to do this they just keep doing whatever they want. It was mentioned in the video that there is absolutely no regulation or anything in that regard available ANYWHERE in the world, not even in the EU.

    THIS is what the video and Ross Scott want to achieve, that there either will be regulations for it so that Game developers and Publishers can’t just create games with some mandatory server backend running that is shut down in a couple of years OR that there is at least some way of saying “well, we don’t care” so that the consumer can actually do anything about it on their own end.

    So it is easy to say they “just” have to do X or Y but the past and the increasing games relying on things like this have shown that they won’t do anything about it because nothing is stopping them.

  • Depends. I recently was in that situation and it was easier and more cost-effective to just print them.

    I recently bought some Lego Star Wars sets and printed out some Display stands for them but the connection between the stands and the model was expected to be a 2x4 Lego plate. I didn’t have those plates at hand so I looked online and found it from the official Lego site.

    The individual “Plate 2x4” would cost 0.14EUR each. Since I needed 3 this would be 0.42EUR. But the mailing costs would be over 9EUR.

    So ordering 3 of those Lego pieces would cost me almost 10 bucks. I just printed them out which worked well, they were a bit tight fit but are still holding.

    But I wouldn’t necessarily say that this is a replacement for actual Lego pieces. As a quick alternative that you can’t see or that has less interaction with other pieces (doesn’t need to fit correctly on all sides) then I think this can work.

  • As long as people pay for it and they make massive profits through it.

    I mean, look at the last situation in which netflix addressed account sharing. Their user number actually increased because of it from what I have read.

    Those people that can’t afford it will most likely switch to a less expensive tier and then probably see ads. I have seen that recently with my father who wasn’t even bothered or annoyed by the constant ads while watching a single episode.

  • A year or so ago I actually tried to get into Jellyfin and it wasn’t really that pleasant experience.

    A bit of background: I am mainly a Java and JavaScript developer and have used Plex for over a decade now. I even developed a Plugin for Plex with Python. Naturally, Jellyfin came across my radar so I checked it out but they didn’t have a Metadata Provider for the Metadata Source that I needed for some of my Libraries. There were alternatives but this would require to completely change my libraries which I wasn’t interested in.

    So, I set out to just do it myself. I did know some C# but was by far not as up-to-date as you could be but I didn’t really care because I wanted to see how that project went and if I could get into it I could learn more about C# while doing it.

    However, while I could get the Plugin compiled and loaded into a Jellyfin instance and even get some metadata downloaded, I quickly hit brick walls. From what I could tell, there weren’t even method comments for, you know, methods you need to implement so that you can write a metadata provider.

    Not being able to resolve this through trial and error or looking at other currently active Providers (who seem to all do things differently, so no consistency) I asked on the Jellyfin Subreddit for help and got told to use the Matrix Chat instead. This was already annoying because that isn’t how you amass knowledge that someone can fall back to and find when they have questions because Matrix is a walled garden. Regardless I asked there as well and didn’t get any help or the responses didn’t really help me.

    So, I shelved the project.

    What I want to say here is that FOSS Projects like Jellyfin should prioritize their documentation. The easier it is for people to understand how things work and “get into” the project the more people would be willing to actively contribute. I know that what I described above could just be my inexperience or lack of understanding and knowledge of C# and everything around it but I would imagine that many developers are in the same situation as me and would like to contribute but can’t get over those hurdles. This is even worse for new developers who might want to stretch their legs in the Open Source community but are still learning.

    Reading this with “we need developers” and “you can contribute to our documentation” looks a bit contradictory to me because shouldn’t the “experienced” contributor not create the documentation?

  • I use a pihole which is a small computer that checks every domain request and blocks them when they are on one of my blacklists. This works great for browsing the web because you just don’t see most ads anymore. I also use adblocks for, for example, YouTube because pihole can’t distinguish between ads or legitimate requests when they come from the same domain.

    I also download all videos from YouTube to watch. And I also don’t have cable.

    Basically, I see so few instances of ads anymore that any few ads are getting so annoying. The 1-2 ads in front of a YouTube video or in the middle, I just don’t watch that video anymore.

    But when I really noticed that was when I was spending the day with my father and we were watching a TV show on some free provider, every 10 minutes there were 1.5 minutes ads. Which is by far better as normal TV in my country (Germany) but damn, this was really annoying after just a single episode and I’m glad I don’t have to see those at home. It just interrupts the flow.

  • This is the same problem/argument you have with the argument/perception of planes being unsafe.

    In 2022 almost 43000 people died in “motor vehicle traffic crashes”. And yet many believe that Planes are much more dangerous to use than cars because hundreds of people die all at once in a Plane crash.

    A Plane crash is automatically a sensation, something that doesn’t happen every day but a car accident happens every day but this isn’t reported as much because it is already a daily routine.

    The same goes with the “Coal kills more than nuclear” argument which is even less likely to be grasped by the normal population.

    I mean just look at the climate change denier who say “but it is snowing so climate change isn’t real” while at the same time complaining that each summer is so incredibly hot.

    All of those things are so incredibly complex that the vast majority can’t understand and outright deny them because they read/heard somewhere that they actually can understand, that it is a hoax. I mean, I wouldn’t count myself to the people that understand climate change but I can understand that it will have a drastic impact on our lives if this goes on.

  • The stupidity is insane.

    Many of those people don’t really care because they don’t think it will affect them or don’t really understand what that whole thing means. All they care about is being able to scroll.

    There was a poll about the future with the protest of a Subreddit I am part of and many voted for staying open with the reasoning “it hurts the community”.

    While I would agree with the Argument that being private on a tech-oriented Subreddit is bad because all of the accumulated knowledge will be inaccessible so troubleshooting will not work or be as good. But then you could just be restricted and have both, keeping the protest going but not locking out help to common troubleshooting.

    All they see now is that they are inconvenienced by the whole thing and they don’t like it without understanding that many others will have a much worse impact and the future state of the Subreddits could be much worse or take longer to moderate impacting everyone.

    But this is not something they can see or understand.

  • Looking at a subreddit that I joined right now, there is a poll about the future of the subreddit and the protest and 53% are to stay open.

    MANY in the comments see the protest as useless and that it “hurts the community”. While I agree with the point that it locks users out from the subreddit, especially for tech support, I can tell you that they all don’t really care about this.

    I also have seen someone create a replacement subreddit for the private one just to fill the gap.

    And looking at all those Awards being given out in the posts about the AMAs and such, I have very little hope that something will change on Reddit’s side.

    I think, all the mods of those subreddits just pack up and leave to the alternatives like lemmy and let the Subreddits rot.