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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Sorry for the late reply. I was in high school when this happened. I had to get my stomach scoped. While they were getting ready to put me to sleep they asked if I wanted to do laughing gas. I said sure. I had never tried it and it sounded fun. While they were doing this I thought to myself that I wanted to try to force myself to stay awake and see if I could do it. Or at least make a mental note of everything that happened to me and observe it. The laughing gas started to kick in and I started to laugh uncontrollably. One of the nurses hadn’t seen it used before and couldn’t help but laugh at my non stop laughing. I don’t remember an IV so I think the anastesia was administered with the laughing gas. Time started to get strange, everything slowed way down. A tingling sensation was spreading across my body. This tingle turned into sharp jabbing pains as if I was being stabbed by thousands of tiny needles. At the same time sounds around me started sounding echoing and distant. I was starting to panic so I decided I should let the doc know. That’s when I realized I couldn’t move. I could barely move my eyes. I also realized I was still laughing. I couldn’t speak either. I tried to scream but the only voice that actually screamed was the one iny head. I was terrified and everyone else in the operating room seemed to be happy. The pain from the tingling was getting worse and my ears were ringing so loud I couldn’t here anything. I felt like I was stuck in a black room with 2 windows to the outside world (my eyes). It felt like an eternity I was stuck like that. In reality it was probably less than 10 minutes cause the procedure hadn’t started yet. I tried to force myself to fall asleep but couldn’t. I started to wish I could just die cause that would be better than the hell I was in. Then blackness for a split second.

    The next thing I knew I was in a different hospital room crying and super nauseous.