• 16 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Hm, it’s… interesting but I’m not sure I like it.

    Internal homogenization of the factions doesn’t feel like the right way to go. Although it is nice that it allows for a clear recommendation of damage types on Navigation to help newer players learn what damage works best in each situation.

    I’m really pleased to hear that Cold is getting a secondary freeze effect. It felt like it was a missing natural progression for an effect that was missing it. I wonder if this’ll make Frost more viable.

  • To add to this: Yes, it does feel absolutely awful to lose the world when you die in hardcore.

    However, I also find the investment into the admittedly temporary and fragile world to be really rewarding. Doing things has a greater feeling of accomplishment, even if they’re the mundane actions of just staying alive in survival.

    Still reeed pretty hard when on my longest-running hardcore I died to piglins while bed-mining because I forgot to bring a backup gold helmet.

  • Smart move!

    I like to use Gyre for tough missions so Shock procs CC everything for me. I’m going to have to put some effort into my new Elite Crewman, ATM they’re using my Kuva Ogris which is set up for Arbitration. Considering giving them my Tenet Cycron so they can spread Viral+Radiation

    Or I’ll just farm a Tenet Arca Plasmor and kit it out for them.

  • Yeah, I’ve been using the Lich not really thinking about it for years but other commenters have been explaining that getting a Crewman or Elite Crewman from Fortuna, with or without good stats, and giving them a good and well-modded gun would outdo the Lich.

    They are also summonable as On Call Crewmen so it’s looking like Nemeses as On Call Crew are all flash and little substance, at least at higher levels.

  • In my experience;

    The best grinds are those that you’re either grinding multiple things at once. For example: Doing a mission that gives parts for something you want while also doing it as a Void Rift so you collect Relics (ideally also for Prime items you want). You would also, ideally, be leveling weapons simultaneously to these grinds to be grinding three things at once but as you go it gets harder and harder to have new weapons to grind.

    There are a few grinds that are still very worthwhile even when they’re not multi-grinds. Getting to max rank with Fortuna is one of them. Efficient grinding of Focus for the Operator (once you get it, and the Zariman) is another.