• 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • JayEchoRay@lemmy.worldtoGames@lemmy.worldany tips for playing CDDA
    12 days ago

    Hope this cross-post works


    Although, if I had to think of beginner tips - knowing the keyboard shortcuts help a ton in getting familar with the game and one can use the “enter” key until you get use to it

    I personally learnt by using the starting scenario of the shelter to get familiar with getting the basics of water purification, food sustainability and crafting going and camped out in the shelter and get my crafting up to scratch.

    I know that I started to enjoy taking advantage of the weaker zombies in the early game and try and find a small town and try clear it out for a nice cushion to get one up to have a lot of raw material on hand, but that is more when one is more confident in the ability to handle zombies and found a style of play one enjoys


    There is another one on the !cataclysmdda@lemmy.ml instance, but it is not my post but here is it is https://lemmy.world/post/1796938

  • Noita, a precedurally-generated fully destructible, with physics, pixel-graphics action rogue-like game where you play as a mage going through the various layers of a dungeon with the use of your spells that one can spell mix and match with a wand system that can provide the player with interesting and wacky spell combinations.

  • If you mean surviving off the land, the starting location “Riverside” is probably the easiest to start with, if one gets out of town and keeps going North? (Up direction) you’ll have an infinite supply of dirty water, which one can also catch fish with a wooden spear, that will need to be cleaned either by fire or, if the electricity is still on, putting in a container and leaving it in the oven or microwave( personally find using a a large pot best for this) for a bit.

    Alternatively, you could find one of the rare water wells which supply clean water that way.

    You can also use toilet water besides emptying taps with the food you can eat and scavenge can helping with your hydration needs a little, but having a reliable source of water is important.

    A more permanent solution, until the devs at least put a better system in, is connecting your water barrels to your sink which “purifies” rain water and supplies one with clean water as long as there is water in your connected barrels.

    Wood glue is bad for you - m’kay, better to keep it to repair stuff.

    Who knows, maybe when they release version .42 there will be plenty of new use cases with the revamped crafting that is planned to be introduced.

  • I will also say, the original Fallouts are games of its time. It sold itself off its narrative and as I am playing Fallout 2, it is still enjoyable but I do concede there are moments of frustration that one learns to work around.

    It is not a perfect game, but it is a game that was written in a plausible manner that could be considered too real look at human nature at times and in the same breath going off the rails crazy with something out of pocket that can catch one off guard.

    It does a great job of allowing one to make it their story, although some of the writing might not gel with everyone it at least framed it well in setting.

    It think it gels well with people that can roleplay in a setting as even the combat logs have humour to it. It requires a lot of reading and the people in the videos look like clay dolls but it is bound to envoke something in someone if they are enjoying themselves playing these types of games.

    The turn-based nature of the combat can turn people off, but I cannot deny the charm of running up to someone and giving them a concussion by wolloping their head and then going in to gouge their eyes to make them useless in combat and finishing them off with a shot to the groin.

  • Thank you for more eloquently writing what I couldn’t really properly get out

    There are things in Fallout 2 that stick with me since the first time I played it more than a decade ago because their are moments that feel impactful - it made me feel guilt for my actions, it made me laugh at something totally ridiculous and it has charm and subtlety that I feel Bethesda games struggle with.


    I am playing it now, fallout 2 with restoration mod, it is totally different to the modern takes but I can still appreciate it because I can remember a lot of it and therefore know that I am going to suffer through some early game difficulty but I can still gleefully remember building a character that could pop eye balls from ten paces with a BOZAR, remembering Cassidy has a medical condition, remembering to leave farm girl alone unless I can bs, don’t bother with the Wanamingo’s until I am stronger, Marcus is a bro, a mother with a her child in refugee tents outside a city, refusing people coming in without them being able to provide something, and her asking to find out about her husband, intelligent deathclaws, hubologists, Vault City Entrance exam, gecko power plant and be sure to antagonise the Enclave over the monitor, the hooded man on the bridge asking riddles, the dogmeat dimension, the unlucky dog, super mutants don’t mess with until endgame, reno, vault tec and I can go on and on.

    I played and finished fallout 3 and new vegas, played a bit of 4 and besides New Vegas giving me some of that old fallout charm, it does not have as nearly as memorable moments that live rent free in my head

  • Fair enough, Fallout 2 at least did deal with a lot of dark themes that I don’t see Bethesda retreading.

    In regards to the kids thing, there were ways around it, it was more an annoyance having to buy back stuff that got stolen if one didn’t take those precautions and on an evil playthrough could cut the pretense and do it without much consequence besides the perk reputation as the place was a craphole anyway.

    The older fallouts needed one to get into the setting to start the ball rolling, it is not a pretty game and would not be above throwing the playable character in difficult situation if they didn’t prepare for it but it had a way with its writing that helped one to roleplay once one got to a point where one got established which is an older game paradigm that isn’t popular nowadays - building a reputation, and once you have one can start to interact with the world proper.

    New Vegas scratches that itch, but isn’t completely the same

    I suppose it is like playing a interactive book and then falling in love with the writing and systems that represented uncomfortable realities in an interesting way.

  • Bethesda’s version is toned down

    • Cannot kill children in Bethesda games (without modding)
    • Fallout 2 dealt with some realities of porn, learnt about terms like being a fluffer if are not fit for porn and if you had the skills it provided a pretty salicious perk image and a stage name among a couple of other changes. Sex referencing was used quite a lot in game - sometimes disturbingly so at times.
    • Gravedigging fair enough, there is a perk one gets in fallout 2 that hits you with karma penalty when you do it but otherwise point taken
    • Joining the slavers in Fallout 2, you get branded with a facial brand telling the waste “Look at me, I am a Slaver” which had the effect to lock a character out of quests and be automatically branded an enemy of the NCR - which is a choice that can be made in the second town.

  • I really would not like Bethesda level writing and character gating to muddy the classics. I seriously doubt it will do the old series justice with the level of inappropriate content.

    Easiest examples being the thieving children in Fallout 2, it allowed you “solve” that problem if you didn’t have patience and got a negative quirk in the process.

    A low intelligence run was almost a completely new experience with a different level of interaction that was tongue-in-cheek look at someone who really struggles with “standard” game narrative.

    That not to mention how much of a mess it will be for bethesda to code for a player plus up to 5 party members per encounter ( making Charisma not a “dump” stat). I strongly doubt they can pull it off if it as a company is still struggling to make the player character plus 1 work smoothly.

    I also feel that the old fallout’s sense of humour might not fly with today’s sensibilities specifically the level of objectification, a female character can use to their advantage or the level of “male power fantasy” with specific perks and SPECIAL loadout - which I am sure is something Bethesda will try to avoid as they seem to push for a more gamified systems.

    And I really do not think they will be willing to make The Brotherhood play a minor role as they are like a “minor” faction that tries to avoid too much attention in setting in their mission to preserve the old tech from repeating the mistakes of the past

    I strongly doubt Todd and his team are the right people to devote resources to truly capture the dark world of old fallout into a faithful reproduction. I think it would be toned down and would most likely follow a bethesda vision for the series.

    Maybe I am being overly negative, but I feel even if they maybe revamped it with some prettier graphics and modern system sensibilities, it might still lose some of its soul in the process. I am willing to be proven wrong though

  • I promoted a dwarf to militia commander - never been in combat, as I was working on creating a militia once I had weapon and armour production underway.

    Then a forgotten beast Cyclops decides to visit my fortress, he makes quick work of my dwarven hunters and in an attempt to get my dwarves inside the fortress I send out the newly promoted militia captain out to delay it while I get ready to seal the fortress up

    I wasn’t expecting much from the essentially green dwarf, but somehow he invoked the spirit of Amorak and proceeded to engage it in a one-on-one duel.

    It was only after I was ready to seal the fortress did I look around to see if he had died, instead I was greeted by a sight that took me by surprise, this lone militia captain was holding their own against the cyclops with his iron short sword. I look at the logs and see this monster of a dwarf is not only fighting without injury but is tearing away at the cyclops, getting his sword lodged multiple times into the beast while deftly avoiding any counter blows.

    It was a one sided slaughter reading two pages of combat logs, one of which was the dwarf wailing away at the cyclops who had collapse from pain shock.

    Made me think I was reading some dwarf Kratos fan-fiction, needless to say the fortress was in good fortunes once the butchers got around to carving up the remains of the cyclops.

    *edit seems it was the Captain of the Guard who was the hero not the militia captain

  • I just finished watching it and for the most part they got a lot of the tone down and it is well done overall. I liked how they showed Vault-Tec and what they stood for, the general world building, vault stuff. But I have these niggling inklings that bother me with the location of where the show takes place.

    It is enjoyable to me it is a solid 7 - 8 out of 10, but had some things that felt off to me and rubbed me the wrong way because I am trying to fit into the narrative I have for my intepretation of the Fallout game timeline. Not saying it is a bad show, just things that subjectively felt off to me.

    Going to spoiler tag these things as it has Fallout 1, Fallout 2, New Vegas and the show possible spoilers


    Again, maybe it is my nostalagia goggles here, so please take what I write with a grain of salt

    NCR, The Enclave and The Brotherhood of Steel


    In Fallout 2, Shady Sands is the capital of NCR and that place was well defended - walls, armed guards roaming the streets and fairly civilised if I can recall correctly - I look at the runes of Shady Sands in the show and feels like a mix of the Fallout 1 and Fallout 2. By New Vegas they seemed to have “settled” California considering the fact that cattle barons are running rough shod, political corruption is in full swing and NCR is on the search for more resources and have probably integrated the various towns and city’s of the waste into itself places like New Reno, Vault City, San Franscisco, etc…

    They were at war with the Brotherhood at one point and were able to beat them back and integrate some of the tech they requistioned, they had supply lines and it was an established Republic.

    The fact that Shady Sands was nuked and they just left it to waste makes sense somewhat - some decrepencies notwithstanding, but how badly developed California appears, doesn’t sit completely right with me, I mean the Fiends from New Vegas have spread there and this is from the same NCR that nearly eradicated the Khans - who where the big drug raiders of California.

    NCR in the show seem no better than Bandits at worse or could be considered moderately equipped conscripts at best from how they are organised in relation to the potential for power they were pursuing. They had divisions of very well equipped and trained soldiers armed with good gear especially considering the tech they were able to recover from the Brotherhood when they finally decided to make a push for Hoover Dam in New Vegas

    The Enclave

    The Enclave was pretty much hunted down and villianised on the East Coast after the events of Fallout 2, The Brotherhood had interest seeing them fall and the NCR continued with that desire to put them under heel. One can maybe make an argument that the NCR have repurposed the Enclave, but they are still known as “The Enclave” and have above ground bases, it does bother me somewhat.

    The Brotherhood

    The Brotherhood tech feels off to me, maybe I am just nostalgic for the old East Coast Brotherhood that were very hands-off and did their work through trusted proxies. They were a tech-obessed warrior cult based of the branch of the military that tried their best to minimise outsiders knowing of their existence and the existence of technology. It feels off with them Vertibird dropping in broad day light, reliance of mechanical weaponry for knights, feeling indifferent to tech in general and showcasing their tech for all to see.

    I mean they kind of address it in showing how the Brotherhood has lost their way, still feels weird for them to be so grandiose which runs a bit in opposition to traditional Brotherhood recruiting of accepting outsiders, which probably must mean they were really down on their luck at some point as I doubt all those recruits were able to perform an exemplary service to be admitted.

    The tenants of the Brotherhood are mostly there but feels like it is falling into some mix of Enclave with some East Coast Brotherhood influence


    The magical yellow substance ( which I know I can be completely wrong on) makes me think of the FEV experiments or a successful substrain of it that does exactly what it was designed for - just feels weird that Fallout 1, Fallout 2 and Fallout 3 show how destructive the benefits of the project were and now it has been perfected to work with any physiology with the added “benefit” of addiction ( or being beholded to require constant dosing over prolonged exposure)

    I understand that a lot can happen in time and humans are just as easy to stuff up things and as its own thing it does feel “Fallout” and does a lot to be faithful to the games, so in that I do give credit where credit is due

    Maybe Season 2 and beyond will answer the questions I have or fill in the holes, or not I need to just enjoy the show for what it is 🤷