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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • Why not?

    Why is the default response for “nobody even knows I exist” to curl up in a ball and bitch about it on the Internet?

    If there is nothing holding you back, then you can do anything you want. What do you have to lose if you feel like you have nothing?

    And if your response is that you don’t have the motivation or mindset, or you can’t bring yourself to care… buddy, that’s a mental health issue, and there are people who’s job it is to help people experiencing the same things.

  • Being fit does not mean being ‘gym bro’. I am 34 and obese. I am actively dieting and working out in order to lose weight, not because I want to be attractive or live forever, but because doing basic daily tasks was hell. I existed in a world where casually walking 10 minutes to work meant I was so warm and sweaty that I needed to shower. I could not squat or kneel down to pick things up or my knees would burn with pain. I was not healthy. My weight caused me to snore, making me more tired. I was walking around like a geriatric at the age of 32.

    You don’t have to be a fitness guru who eats kale and chugs protein shakes to be healthy, but the giving up entirely is 100% more miserable than having basic mobility. And it’s a lot harder to come back from when you’re too heavy to work out to your full capacity.

  • That’s a lot of characters with a wide range of relevance to the Borderlands story. From Moxxi, all the way to… Atlas?

    Can’t wait to see Borderlands bosses Krom and Knoxx on the big screen looking nothing like their in game counterparts.

    And don’t even get me started on my main man Larry! Ooh! All the fun times I remember with… Larry…

  • Having watched the premiere of Acolyte, I am not convinced. They jumped 100 years into the past, and everything feels exactly like “present” Star Wars.

    There’s a Jedi. There’s a Cantina scene. There’s an orange sabre to validate Rey’s sabre. There’s Coruscant, looking pretty much as it will in 100 years from now. There’s a wookie.

    It all felt very same-y. Aesthetically, if Mando walked into the scene, he wouldn’t be out of place. Which is weird.

    I get that it’s in the ‘Canon’, but when a character that lives a century before the trilogies are set referenced R2 units, it sent me on a spiral down wookiepedia. It would be like someone today talking about driving their T-Model Ford. Did the droid company really only release 3 more R series droid between now and when Luke buys R2 from the Jawas?

    Acolyte is a fun story, but I don’t think the High Republic is as revolutionary as they claim. I guess it at least separates us chronologically from the Skywalkers… for now.

  • “Remembering Prey”? The game is 7 years old, and has a release on current gen consoles. The nostalgia cycle is starting to spiral in on itself. Get ready for “Remember Baldurs Gate 3” next month.

    If we want to talk about a game that is about ready for a nostalgic revival, featured unique gameplay for the time, told a story with interesting lore, and had the potential for interesting sequels, let’s remember Prey (2006). Also, it had a bus full of evil ghost kids on a spaceship. Can’t beat that.

  • The issue is, if you want a job in this sort of field, 90% of the time it is contract, with no option or ability to switch over to permanency. I have worked for several years in my current IT job, but I am technically a contractor, and every 6 months, I need to make peace with the fact that I might not have a job for no reason. I definitely do not rock the boat, because even though they’re “not allowed” to fire me if I join a union, they only have to wait till the end of the contract to find another worker bee.

  • Of course, the fandom for the quintessential X-Man, Morph, who was so well loved that he starred alongside Hugh Jackman and Halle Berry in the 2000s X-Men film.

    Morph, who was such an established Marvel character that they had to change his name for the animated show because there was a DC character who had a better claim to it.

    Morph, whose iconic design was “a dude”. I remember when every kid wanted the “a dude” action figure.

    That Morph?

    I would bet good money that not a single soul who is being vocally upset online about this was a part of the “Morph Fandom”. It’s people who assume that a show featuring a non-cis or non-straight character is a personal attack.

  • The kids who need help might not associate Kutcher with the organisation, but donors and supporters sure as hell will.

    At this point, he has written a letter of support, lauding the moral upstanding of a convicted rapist. Any way you slice it, it’s not a good look from a fundraising perspective. Why would I support the anti-sex trafficking group that has a rape apologist as it’s figurehead? The nuance of writing a letter to support a friend who has done terrible things is it’s own murky issue. But from a purely business standpoint, Kutcher is a liability for the moment.

    Your example ignores the trajectory of the situation. If Kutcher had supported the rapist, received backlash, and joined the org, it would be an individual taking steps to make better choices. As it stands, he is this organisation to many people (I couldn’t name anyone else involved). His actions reflect directly on the org, and ignoring his actions is not a good look.

  • What in the Wizards-of-the-Coast is this shit?

    I actually cannot figure out where the logic is on this sort of thing (apart from CEOs having big cartoon dollar signs for eyes). You create a product, give it out for free, then get salty when people use your free product and demand payment in retrospect? And not just a ‘commercial licence’ payment, but a cut off the top of every game sold.

    I can’t wait for visual effects software companies to start charging James Cameron $0.20 on every ticket sold for Avatar 3.

    Or Tesla to start charging their drivers a fee anytime they use their car as a rideshare vehicle… actually I wouldn’t put that one past Emerald Boy.