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Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Remove? No. Overcome? We’re already doing it.

    Our society is far more accomodating than it has ever been. Different sexes, ethnicities, skin colors, religions, sexual orientations, gender identities and whatnot enjoy more acceptance and equality now than ever before. Something like the EU - a voluntary alliance of this size - would have been unthinkable probably just 100-200 years ago. And for all its flaws the participating nations have grown closer through it.

    We still got ways to go particularly internationally and we must be ever vigilat against those that want to drag us backward but the progress is undeniable.

  • I am really excited about these applications. There’s a significant pushback in my country - Switzerland - against renewables under the argument of “where are we gonna put all this energy generation?”. If we can hold up “over agricultural land” as an answer that not only offers huge swaths of land but is also beneficial for the agriculture that’ll be a huge win. If you can show a farmer here, that he’ll get better yields for less water AND can sell the electricity on top of it, he’ll do it no matter how much his party is ranting against renewables.

    Obviously we’ll need to figure out which plants benefit from the shade and which don’t. So I’m glad this has already started.

  • Wow. I didn’t know it was this easy to get an article made about you. A card and nine paperclips!

    I definitely gonna have to post my spell book when I get home…

    Spellbook Pictures

    First iteration I simply took some small post-it’s wrote the spell slot level on it and attached them to whatever spell I used them on. This worked fine for a bunch of sessions. If the glue would lose its tack I could simply write another sticky.

    Second iteration I made myself a fancy A5 sized spell book in NanDeck, slots were still tracked by post its but I fashioned little bookmark tabs that were affixed to the pages so I could pull them out to indicate the spell was prepared and push it in to for those that were not. This again worked pretty well. The tabs would get partially pushed in when the book rattled around in the storage box but it was generally not all the way. Biggest gripe was that I didn’t actually need to know which spell had which slots used on it. The post it’s were overkill in that regard.

    Current iteration now has a front page with paper sliders for the number of spell slots I have. It’s prepared all the way to max level. All I’ve got to do is use scissors or an exacto knife to extend the sliders to their proper length. The preparedness of spells is also indicated by paper sliders on the respective page. I originally used bookmarks so I didn’t have to browse the whole book but I found myself doing that anyway so they didn’t serve much of a purpose. On the contrary I find it quite thematic that my cleric would rummage through his spell book to find the correct incantation for the situation.

    Both second and first version had their spine punched in regular spaces with an office hole puncher and then bound with string in my player color. When I get more spells I simply have to print the additional pages and can rebind the book.

  • You’re missing the point of this. Right now all the aid Ukraine is getting is dependent on piecemeal decisions, which if Europe and America get bored, can dry up extremely quickly. Russia is banking on that and is investing heavily to try and produce this outcome.

    A statement comitting to long term aid undermines that. And at least somewhat shores up Ukraine’s aid. I don’t know how binding this declaration is to any party but as the article says: it is a signal that the West intends to keep up the aid for as long as Russia keeps up the invasion.

  • The point is to tell an exciting story - there’s no right or wrong definition of what that means for you.

    The dice’s purpose is to take you down paths you might not have chosen deliberately but the goal is still to have an exciting story. If the DM wants to be like “I recognize the dice have made a decision but given that it’s a stupid ass decision, I’ve elected to ignore it” then he has my full support.

    Maybe a cleaner way would be to decide up front: which outcomes am I ok with? and simply cap the roll at that. You know the paladin only has 17 HP left and you don’t want the paladin to go down so the maximum roll you want is 16. So if you have roll 4d6 damage. You do: roll 3 roll 8 roll 12 roll 18 16.

  • I’ve tried for years to go to the gym regularly. I despise going to the gym. Putting on workout clothes, mindlessly trudging on a treadmill or whatnot before slogging through a bunch of machines then shower and going home. I loathe the idea of sacrificing 1+ hour of my precious free time just to feel miserable and accomplishing fuck all… Everyone claiming “just stick with it and you’ll start to enjoy it” lies. There’s no other way to say this. Lies. If you love it, good for you, but it definitely isn’t a universal thing.

    Walks around town I do kinda enjoy but not enough to make me want to do it. But point me someplace new or nice to hike and I’m off to the races. I love being out in nature, taking in the sights and I don’t care whatsoever if I need to work for it.

    The last few weeks I’ve also started to go swimming with my girlfriend. I’ve not been a fan of swimming as a child and basically never did it anymore since then. So I’m pathetic at it but to my huge surprise I do quite like it.

    So my recommendation to you is: try loads of different things. Chances are you’ll like doing certain things way more than others. Ideally you’ll find something you love. Or at least you should be able to find something you don’t hate.

  • I’m confused. Is the fifth the pro or the anti LGBTQ part? Probably the former though.

    “I don’t think any of us want to see any of our churches leave,” he said. “We’re called to be the body of Christ, we’re called to be unified. There’s never been a time when the church has not been without conflict, but there’s been a way we’ve worked through that.”

    Well, here’s the thing: you either move with the times or you get left behind. The German Catholic Church is in a similar trifle with Rome since recent years. IIRC it’s over letting women and married people be priests. Rome still follows a hardline NO on that but what they don’t get is that it’s not really up to them. This is no longer a niche opinion in Germany that you can squash from on high. The church’s stance is the niche opinion now.

  • Various degrees of niche-ness:

    • modern boardgames. I’ve been fascinate by them since before I could write. I would draw my own roll and move boards and my mom would write down my instructions of what space would do what. From there it only grew and now I have more games I can play.
    • rpgs. The most recent addition. I had always dismissed them as a potential hobby because it was advertised to me with videos of actors basically doing 99% improv and 1% gameplay. Turns out it doesn’t have to be like this.
    • I also collect gemstones. Started as a kid when we came across an old quarz find on a hike. I was hooked by the shiny and have been collecting on and off ever since.