• 3 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: January 13th, 2022


  • You mean that it’s undefined?

    You can think of a cake. You can divide a cake into 4 pieces or 2 pieces or basically not divide it, by ‘dividing’ it into 1 piece.

    But it’s not possible to divide a cake into 0 pieces. It doesn’t make logical sense. You have to eat it (subtract from it) to actually make 0 pieces. With division, the sum of all pieces has to be 1 cake. If there’s one cake, there’s at least one piece.

    What’s confusing is that we have separately decided that ‘dividing’ a cake into 0.5 pieces means you multiply it by 2. So, either 2 cakes or a cake that’s twice as large. That is why some mathematicians do treat 1/0 as ∞.

  • Gamedev is all about smokes and mirrors. A conventional software engineer will actively resent the shitfuckery you have to do, to make games run well (for good reason; it introduces complexity into already insanely complex systems).

    Some performance work, you cannot defer, like fundamental design decisions (3D vs. 2D, raytracing or not) or if you’ve coded a tiny feature and for some reason, it completely obliterates performance.

    But there’s always going to be tons of features that have been implemented well, they don’t obliterate performance, but if you replace them with an unintuitive/complex smoke-and-mirror solution, then you may be able to shave off 20% execution time for that feature. Or not. Often no real way to know, except to try it out.

    Some of these do need to be tackled throughout development, too, but it’s easy to end up with a big block at the end of development.
    Especially, if you had to rush a number of features that marketing promised, so that you can make the release date that marketing promised many months before anyone has any fucking clue how long it’ll take.

  • Particularly, I worry that CO₂, plastics, uranium, HCFCs etc. are just the first of many problems we’ll have with breaking down these materials. The non-biological elementome will not degrade, at least not without leaving non-biological elements behind.

    That can be fine. Rocks generally don’t participate in the biological cycle either and they don’t bother anyone.
    But for example, plastics are practically rocks in funny shapes, which float out into the ocean. Even just that tiny difference causes problems for maritime wildlife. Other super-durable materials will produce different rocks, which may cause problems in new and innovative ways.

    And of course, not everything we use is a rock. Some materials will genuinely just interact with our surroundings in destructive ways. The hope is that they do then degrade.

  • YouTube has lots of competitors in the field of video content: Netflix et al, Twitch, TikTok, DailyMotion, Vimeo, PeerTube etc.

    But they have a monopoly on specific content. If you search for a tutorial on how to take apart your specific toaster model, you’ll probably only find that on YouTube. Or if you’ve watched a specific video creator for years and they only upload to YouTube. Or even if your colleague sends you a link to some dumb YouTube video, then you’re not going to ask them for the title, so you can throw it into SepiaSearch.

    If you’re part of a younger generation, it’s just not really an option to not use YouTube…

  • Thing is, most people want to listen to copyrighted music. Federating copyrighted music is a surefire lawsuit for anyone who hosts that federated service.

    And you don’t need federation for acquiring music files. Torrents are better for resilience than federation, since they form a distributed network, not just a decentralized network.

    There is a piece of software that implements federation for music, called Funkwhale.

    This is their flagship instance: https://open.audio
    That flagship instance hosts basically only Creative Commons music and podcasts, due to aforementioned problem.
    The other instances I’ve seen federating with it, were generally self-hosted by musicians or podcasters to share their own work.

    I imagine, if an instance started federating copyrighted music (which wasn’t separately licensed by the artist either), it would need to be defederated by everyone else in the network ASAP, to avoid lawsuits.

  • Kind of feels disparate from it being a video game, but it’s difficult to really make this experience another way:

    I wanted to play a healer in an MMO. It was a shitty MMO, so healers could only be female characters wearing skimpy armor.

    Well, it took about half a minute until I had people walk up to me, to then just stop 3 meters away. From the way they were moving, I have to assume, they were working their cameras to look underneath my skirt, and probably doing so with only one hand.

    Some of them were sending me “hello :)” messages, which I guess is basic decency, if you’re going to use my body, but it felt weird, too, since we had nothing to talk about.

    All in all, it felt uncomfortable. And I did not even have to fear for them to start touching or even raping me. Plus, I was able to log out, delete my account and basically just leave all of that behind.

    Well, except for one thing I did not leave behind: I do not want to be the other side in that experience either.

  • Well, it’s a non-commercial project. There’s going to be issues in it that may seem smart to fix, for which there’s simply no volunteer. On the flipside, there’s other issues that won’t get prioritised in a commercial DAW, which are not a problem in LMMS.

    As for Wayland support, LMMS works under XWayland and I don’t think that’s going away in the next decade. But LMMS is also built with Qt, so it’s likely not a big problem to get native Wayland support.