I didn’t think I was enforcing any rules just felt like people are missing out on something special, it’s not like there hasn’t been a long fight to get equal marriage rights
I didn’t think I was enforcing any rules just felt like people are missing out on something special, it’s not like there hasn’t been a long fight to get equal marriage rights
seems like there needs to be something better/higher than partner, if partner can be thrown around so willy nilly like people working together being partners
Seems weird you’d think the “end goal” of accepting people is so everyone can use boyfriend/girlfriend or whatever partner just seems so disconnected and formal
Disco elesium eventually
Looks like that kid dug it
“you are dead frog not big surprise”
Ya I got nothing against linux and I’m going to switch my old laptop once get the time and a flash drive small enough but I find it’s practically like the reddit meme of the upvotes dropping on the guy’s head
Is there an equivalent to godwin’s law for Linux users? If you don’t have someone mention ditching windows you’ll never think to do it yourself
“I don’t care if you have to eat every banana you are going to find the drugs”
Ya I’d grab one if it was like fifty percent off in a heart beat assuming it was one of the awd versions, heck I’d even but a cybertruck if it was like 30 grand at that price I’m using the parts after it self-destructs to convert a different vehicle
There’s got to be a way to just decriminalize piracy
“Do you think a sunset in beautiful?”
Check out knowledge fight if you want to see the effect gpt is having on alex jones, if nothing else it’s forcing him to be a better listener because he can’t interupt it without the bot losing it’s train of thought
Everyone from this point forward gets to live a life at least as comfortable mine is now and humanty makes it to spread across the stars
If someone makes a 1920 to 1950 mod you’d be my hero, I want the untouchables with high fantasy
That can even be a guide to many things like tools, if it’s pricy but has good word of mouth and not heavily advertised (sometimes the biggest expense) then it might just be worth the cash
what about craft dinner is sad? like I know it’s not top notch but i can’t say I ever felt like it was a bad thing
To add my own bachelor chow to this
Meat of some kind these frozen vegetables And KD
They’re too woke/scared to enjoy it