Thanks! Installed FreshTomato and so far it’s working fine!
Thanks! Installed FreshTomato and so far it’s working fine!
Well, I’d say 2 GB of RAM is actually quite plenty for a router since it doesn’t need to do anything that RAM intensive. Even a desktop computer running Linux with no GUI only uses around 100 MB of RAM.
I use rclone. The command I use to mount my GDrive is basically:
rclone mount "GoogleDrive:" ~/googledrive --vfs-cache-mode full --daemon
And then I could access it (almost) as if were a regular USB drive mounted onto my filesystem (by doing cd ~/googledrive
). Only difference is that it is a bit slow, as none of the files ever get synced to the computer’s hard drive (all changes are immediately uploaded to Google servers), and I cannot change the filesystem permissions (they are always a+rw for all of the files).
Well, for schoolwork, I mount my Google Drive storage onto my ~/googledrive directory (where I store all of my schoolwork) and usually use mc to navigate. Although, I am quite comfortable with the terminal. Its just that I have a lot of subfolders and going to a specific subfolder in mc is usually faster than doing “cd ~/googledrive/subfolder-with-long-path”.
Well, I unfortunately don’t know how to solder, and I’ve found that FreshTomato works on my router (even with the latest version).