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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023


  • I can’t get it to really play at all on Steam #eck, though I’ve heard others do. Mine either doesn’t load or crashes soon after it does.

    I haven’t had a chance to see if there have been any further controller improvements since the Deck is my only way to play it currently. I hope they continue to try to refine it. They definitely made improvements from how it started.

  • You hear about and see this a lot. You can even see it on people’s faces sometimes when you talk to them. They are already thinking about what they want to say rather than actually listening to what is said. So they are listening to respond rather than listening to truly engage in the conversation. I think many of us can be guilty of it at times. So I try to catch myself when I’m doing it. Remind myself how it feels to be on the other end of it when someone else does it.

  • I’ll speak on one from personal experience. I have been on a med most of the last 20 or so years for a chronic illness. I believe the drug hit the market in 1997 and as of 2018 was still making the company 1.7 billion dollars a year. That 1.7 was actually 44% lower than in 2017. Looking briefly now it is finally taking in less than 1 billion a year, but still 800 million. It isn’t dropping in revenue because they lowered the price. It is because other meds have been introduced so they have a lot more competition.

    There was even an event where press asked the CEO about having made back their develop costs and then some, which he agreed they had, would they then lower the price? He said there was no reason to lower the price as it was a huge revenue source for them.

    Over 20 years later the costs for it continued to climb rather than lower. Costs for it estimated at 10k per patient in 1997 and around 70k now per year.