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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023

  • You know what, you’re right. Looks like I’ve gone too long assuming they were interchangeably usable by changing the surrounding words.

    I’ll redact my previous statement, though to be clear, I still strongly disagree that one could say that the attackers schizophrenia was definitely a factor in this without having a previously existing mental evaluation and the expertise to understand it. You could say that it’s more likely to have been influenced by his schizophrenia, but as I previously noted, a relatively small minority of schizophrenic people are violent (10-15%).

  • You don’t need to be a psychologist to determine whether his mental illness was a factor.

    I’m not saying his mental illness was the reason.

    Please continue saying more contradictory statements.

    If you think it could be a factor, then you think it might be a reason that he did this. It could be a factor, but again, neither of us are equipped to evaluate the mental status of someone based on news articles.

    Edit: Factor =/= Reason. My argument in this message is flatly incorrect due to this, though I’ll leave it up.

  • A person who is mentally ill and has done violent things, doesn’t mean they did those violent things because of their illness.

    In fact, your “common sense” isn’t even supported by science.

    • Only 10-15% of schizophrenic people exhibit violent tendencies

    • Schizophrenic people living in communities are up to 14x more likely to be the victim of violence rather than the perpetrator

    • Finally, this is anecdotal, but for whatever it’s worth, I have multiple (3) friends who are schizophrenic and they are genuinely the kindest people I know, whether or not they are on their medication.

    Stop vilifying the mentally ill.

  • Despite the state’s monopoly on violence, they shouldnt have the right to end their citizen’s life.

    • On average an execution costs significantly more than life in prison

    • Even with overwhelming evidence, in some cases you can never fully remove the chance that the person being executed has been wrongfully convicted. Idk about you, but even one innocent person getting the death penalty is enough to fully ban in in my opinion.

    • The majority of methods used to administer the death penalty (including in this case) are faux-humane and actually result in the person experiencing horrific, torturous pain while everyone else talks about how humane their death is

    Frankly, I’d rather have someone rot in prison for decades

  • MetaCubed@lemmy.worldtoLinux@lemmy.mlBtw
    3 months ago

    I’m going to very sincerely disagree. You can see it as misinterpretation if you like, but I believe there’s functionally no difference between the two statements you’ve provided and as long as the right is trying to come up with any excuse to outlaw our existence, its optically beneficial to come up with ways of educating people who may be “eggs” about being trans/enby that are informative, but are less likely to fuel a deranged groomer witchhunt. I’m glad it helped you and your friends, but given the political climate, I believe we should avoid terms that endanger us more than needed.

    Continue using it, I certainly won’t stop you. But I’m not going to start.

  • TL;DR: IANAL, however, the document this bill references to define what content is harmful to children directly, verbatim defines sexual conduct as including “homosexuality” broadly

    Okay so this bill is SB394 (linked above obviously) and it opens with the following

    Any commercial entity that knowingly shares or distributes material that is harmful to minors on a website and such material appears on 25% or more of the webpages viewed on such website in any calendar month, or that knowingly hosts such website (…)

    It carries on to later define “harmful to minors” in section h-3 as the following:

    (3) “Harmful to minors” means the same as defined in K.S.A. 21-6402, and amendments thereto.

    If we go look at K.S.A. 21-6402 we can find that it is regarding “Promotion to minors of material harmful to minors” and goes on to declare in section d-2 that “harmful to minors” refers to several things including sexual conduct (I’m omitting this full quote for brevity, you can find it in the linked document).

    Now if we look a little further down, we can see that Kansas currently defines sexual content as defined in section d-8:

    (8) “sexual conduct” means acts of masturbation, homosexuality, sexual intercourse or physical contact with a person’s clothed or unclothed genitals or pubic area or buttocks or with a human female’s breast; and (…)

    Considering all this, i think extremely reasonable to believe that this could outlaw LGBTQ+ content from being displayed openly online within Kansas

    Edit: fixed sexual conduct/content mixups

  • MetaCubed@lemmy.worldtoLinux@lemmy.mlBtw
    3 months ago

    Frankly idgaf about the prime directive (edit: this is perhaps an exaggeration, I meant I wasn’t necessarily referring to the prime directive) , but as an enby person, I think going around saying “doing this makes you an egg” is pretty antithetical to people not wanting to be judged for not complying with the gender roles that correspond with their assigned gender.