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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 4th, 2023


  • No one is shitting on other people’s choices. They are criticizing a major corporations choices to skimp on specs while charging a premium price. Specs that can’t be upgraded and will absolutely lead to a shorter usable life. I find it odd that people get upset about criticism that isn’t aimed at them at all. The only thing I can think is maybe they realize they were ripped off after putting so much money into Apple products and they need to defend their financial decisions. Even then I don’t fully understand. I’ve purchased overpriced junk many times and don’t feel the need to defend the offending company. Maybe it’s because Apple has managed to make their customers feel like they’re in an exclusive club even though everyone uses Apple products these days. A publicly traded company is around to make money and nothing more. They should never be held in reverence.

  • If you choose to be a weak little quiet corporate Stan then that’s up to you. Apple is well aware that third party apps exist and they’re well aware that machines with less ram will need replaced far sooner than machines with more. RAM is cheap and Apples intigrated memory is no different in the regard. The only reason to use less is planned obsolescence. If you don’t believe that then you’re either Tim Cook or you’re an idiot.

  • The only problem is that with your merger $200,000 job you’d have to work for 5,000 years at that wage without spending a single penny before you’d reach even one billion dollars. To be e billionaire now would make your start date 3000 BC which would be around the time the Sumeruan writing system was first used.

    • Now, it gets worse. If you want to make Elons 46 billion dollar package you’d have to start working your full time $200,000 job 230,000 years ago. This would be the prehistoric stone age so finding a $200,000 a year job would be difficult. Even more difficult would be staying alive while working full time for 230,000 years while you earn the amount Elon wants handed to him.

    • I think the reason people think having a billion dollars is OK is because they can’t do math and don’t understand the ludicrously in that amount of money.

  • I’m all for crapping on large publicly traded companies but lumping Google in with companies that sell your data isn’t honest. Google does not and never has sold user data. They sure as hell use your data for their own ad network but they do not sell that data wholesale. Meta and other data brokers sell your data and this Avast company sells your data through a product they claimed stopped tracking. I’m not pro-Google but to compare their business model (which is very transparent about how it handles your data and how it’s never sold) to Avast’s business model (which is to completely lie to the end user while literally selling everything that user does) is not an honest comparison.

  • I’m split on this concept. Assuming we can’t get away from tracking I would prefer a company like Google over a company like Meta. Google doesn’t sell your data, they just serve ads based on what data they have. Meta and other data brokers will sell your data to whoever ponies up the cash. I’m not happy about being tracked either way. I just recognize one system is considerably worse than the other. Also, if (and this is a big if) Google honors your request to delete your data then I believe it would be even less of a concern. Right now I have my Google data set to auto delete after three months. Ideally that would be enough data to help with traffic suggestions etc while serving up relevant ads but not enough to build an invasive profile. Realisticly we need more laws outlining how our data can be used and ensuring that it’s not retained in ANY form after a set period of time or when it’s deletion is requested.

  • That’s not entirely true. The “top speed” on these can easily be exceeded although the board will attempt to thwart this by changing the ride angle. The issue is that past a certain speed (maybe 15 mph) they use a technique called field weakening to provide higher speeds. While field weakening provides higher RPMs it comes at the cost of torque. At high speeds it becomes easier to max out the motors duty cycle. When the motor reaches its max duty cycle it has no more power to hold the nose up and can drop the rider. The only warning currently available is the speed based nose lift to let you know you are at the speed they’ve set as “max”.

    The recall will add a new feature that will provide an audible alert and vibration when the board reaches 90% of its available duty cycle well before it runs out of power. Hopefully it works as intended and prevents a lot of avoidable accidents.