MinekPo1 [She/Her]

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • I’m not attempting to argue communism is not bad in my comment, I believe this is even more true if you believe communism is bad.

    I am strictly saying comparing Nazism and communism does not give a full picture, which is, AFAIK, something that experts in Soviet history, some of which I quoted, agree with.

    What I’m trying to say is that comparing the two you risk either reducing the weight of crimes committed by Nazis, which are worse than those committed in any communist state, I hope you’ll agree and also risk loosing the detail distinguishing the two.

    I would elaborate further, but I want to make this comment shorter to make what I’m saying a bit more accessible.

  • I don’t think comparing communism with fasism, at least when it comes to exterminating ethnic minorities is accurate. this is an opinion shared by academics, including coauthors of “The Black Book of Communism” (the book which claims communism killed 80M-100M people, though the upper end of the range is the one which has more attention. this number is disputed, again also by coauthors)

    I could explain why I believe you shouldn’t do this in my own words, but I will use the words of Nicolas Werth, one of the three main coauthors who distanced themselves from the book:

    Death camps did not exist in the Soviet Union.


    The more you compare Communism and Nazism, the more the differences are obvious.

    Another quote I will give is from Amir Weiner an American historian and associate professor of Soviet history at Stanford University who wrote:

    [w]hen Stalin’s successors opened the gates of the Gulag, they allowed 3 million inmates to return home. When the Allies liberated the Nazi death camps, they found thousands of human skeletons barely alive awaiting what they knew to be inevitable execution.

    I sourced these quotes from Wikipedia: “The Black Book of Communism”, references 19 and 14.

    My point isn’t to say the Soviet Union, or other states which had or have Marxist-Leninist governments are without critique, but that comparing them to the III Reich, at the very least diminishes the crimes committed by Nazis and makes analysis of the aforementioned States more muddy.

  • From asking family members it seems like it runs in the family, so I don’t have much hope it will improve.

    I am able to maintain 1-3 simple objects (so cuboids, spheres etc), though I find the euclideanity of this space to be quite fluid (ie impossible shapes, such as Klein’s bottle come naturally), though I can “feel” a few more objects, which can be more complex if I don’t focus to much on them.

    As for visualising, I can also maintain simple geometry (& plotting simple functions), and I can let my mind “drift” letting it make random images which morph overtime and I cant focus on the details, or I can focus on trying to imagine something and I can feel like I’m looking at it, but don’t really see it, even less details.

    When I let my mind drift I can vaguely control in which direction it moves (kinda like the control style in slider.io if that tells you anything) and I can vaguely steer it to morph into something but it morphs away soon after. It kinda feels like trying to morph a really viscus fluid, if that makes any sense?

  • On a serious note, if I’m not mistaken, most cases of Tor users identity being uncovered is via information the user either unintentionally leaving information public, or privately told another user, which was made public due to a betrayal or a security breach.

    In most other cases involve security flaws in Tor clients not the network, again if I’m not mistaken.