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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 12th, 2023


  • feature bans which are by and large what the legislators push are completely meaningless

    In this we agree. The magazine ban in question is dumb and will serve little purpose in curbing gun violence.

    It may “work” if we go with the totalitarian options sure, especially if we forget about the 600,000,000+ guns already out and trillions of rounds to go with them

    Reasonable advocates for greater gun control aren’t looking for “totalitarian” control. They’re arguing for controls that won’t demonstrate great impact until long after we’re all dead and gone. They’re looking for greater accountability and more checks and balances on the purchase side.

    Accountability is the big one in my opinion. If you own a gun and keep it loaded and unsecured and it is stolen and used to harm or kill others you should bear responsibility, even if it was reported stolen. If, however, you own a gun and take reasonable measures to secure it, with a gun lock or in a safe etc., and it’s stolen and used to harm or kill others you should not be responsible.

    There is often such focus on individual freedom regarding firearms in the US that individual responsibility falls by the wayside.

    Responsible, legal gun owners shouldn’t be impacted by greater accountability. They would be inconvenienced by reduced ease of acquisition but that should be minor things like waiting periods and more thorough checks.

    One thing that should not happen with reasonable gun control is additional taxes like NFA stamps. Want to own an M2A1 Browning? Sure, just apply, then be subject to a thorough background check, mental evaluation and 1 year waiting period. You’ll also need to prove secure storage to a minimum standard for that type of weapon. The cost for the check and evaluation is born by the government, it’s their restriction after all, but you bear the cost of the storage and purchase of the weapon.

    That’s just a for example off the cuff but that’s what reasonable gun control is. It’s not denying the right or taking currently legally owned guns away, it’s ensuring your right to bear arms does not pose a risk to others right to safety.

  • everyone deserves the right to defend themselves

    Full stop. The problem is people equate firearms with defense. Firearms are not defensive, they are offensive weapons.

    those convicted of violent crimes should be barred from ownership

    Why? The second amendment protects the rights of “the people to keep and bear arms”. Are those not people? Let’s restrict the 2nd amendment rights of some people, but not others?

    Either all amendments should be treated as literally as possible for the time they were written or they should all be interpreted in a modern view that accounts for 230 years of change and advancement.

    we shouldn’t have a standing army.

    Great! Let’s get rid of it, use its budget to fund more social programs. We can change to the militia style military and gun control laws of Switzerland.

  • I disagree. I think the well regulated militia and the people are connected. The people have the right to bear arms because a well regulated militia is necessary for the security of a free State.

    The average person is not a part of a “well regulated militia” but a member of the National Guard is. The broad interpretation would make more sense if the US was like Switzerland or another country with mandatory service/training.

    I do agree the second amendment gives the right “to the people” because a well regulated militia is necessary for the security of a free state but there’s a dependency there that’s ignored in modern times. When the constitution was written the militia was all able bodied men but it’s not anymore, that role is filled by National Guard.

  • So after age 45 they lose their right to guns? Also, with the code definition a “well regulated” militia would be the organized militia:

    A “well-regulated” militia simply meant that the processes for activating, training, and deploying the militia in official service should be efficient and orderly, and that the militia itself should be capable of competently executing battlefield operations.

    However you want to argue the Constitution the claim that a magazine with more than a 10 round capacity is protected is dubious at best. The 2nd amendment really needs to be revised for modern times but it won’t likely happen in any of our lifetimes.

    At this point it’s a race between whether the US falls apart first or the youth that survive the battlegrounds that are public schools, concerts, malls, public transportation etc. in the US decide they’re tired of being shot and killed and come together to quash the remaining resistance to changing it.

  • Yes!!! I love Kenny! Has one of my favorite quotes in it:

    It takes a certain kind of person to do what I do. No-one’s ever impressed; no-one’s ever fascinated. If you’re a fireman, all the kids will want to jump on the back of the truck and follow you to a fire. There’s going to be no kids willing to do that with me. So, I don’t do it to impress people - it’s a job, it’s my trade, and I actually think I’m pretty good at it.