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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023

  • While your point remains somewhat valid, it’s not actually valid to say “native” in the same sense as “native Americans”.

    There were a whole bunch of tribes in the area. Some were more influenced by Europe (swedes, Norwegians) and some less (Finns, Estonian, Sami). Surprise to no one, these tribes living in the southern regions were more successful (easier weather), so they expanded northward and thus rolled over the semi-nomadic Sami in a very nasty, but extremely historically common human way.

  • I don’t really think you’re expressing much of yourself with an AI, especially creativity. I mean all the power to you if you think so, but you can’t really claim to be anything more than a slightly less cumbersome Google image search bot.

    Basically you give “search terms” and then use your judgement to pick and choose. There’s very little expression and a whole lot curating of someone else’s work. I guess if you think making music playlist is an expression of creativity, sure it’ll qualify. But that’s some shallow expression of a personality when it comes to art. Might want to phrase that differently.

  • Yes. Honestly it’s crazy how much people read into ChatGPT, when in practice it’s effectively just a dice roller that depends in incredibly big dataset to guess what’s the most likely word to come next.

    There’s been some research about this, the fact that people are assigning intelligence into things that ML does. Because it doesn’t compute for us that something can appear to make sense without actually having any intelligence. To humans, the appearance of the intelligence is enough to assume intelligence - even if it’s just a result of a complicated dice roller.

  • Sorry to tell you, but it’s the game they promised. People just get really caught up on the influencer speculations, and/or wanted specific things to be implemented differently than they were. So, sorry that you listened to parasocial parasites, I guess? There’s things that they said “are working on” or “planning” or “hoping”, but everything they “promised” except wall running is in the game, it just might not be in a form people imagined it to be.

  • Adobe is the killer on your list. There’s no proper alternative. There are alternatives, but they’re fiddly and quality varies between different programs greatly.

    75% of the issue would be solved if somehow the Linux community could convince the Affinity team that we’d all buy a Linux version of their software. Then you’d actually get the holy trinity of “illustrator, photoshop, indesign” alternative with great integration between the three.

    But since Linux community is rabid about open source and nothing else, it’s not very likely to be happening. So we’ll be living under the rock until Adobe does Linux versions of their software (never). The only reasons why I have windows boot is music production, affinity, and some games.

  • I have to disagree heavily. RDR2, and GTA5 are completely unreactive and uncaring of the player. That’s been my problem with all Rockstar games from the start.

    The closest thing to reactive stuff in RDR2 is the goddamn annoying timer that looks at “how long since last player interaction” and if it’s been too long, it’ll throw at you one of a ten or so random events (woman with a horse, prison escape, etc) to make sure you are engaged.

    Rockstar have this thing with their games, there is lots of freedom to do shit that doesn’t matter, and there is a B movie inside the game. Never shall the two meet. The gameplay is doing random shit in GTA, and the story is extremely fixed missions with very specific actions you do as you play through this B movie.

    Other than progressing the plot, nothing changes in the world. Nothing you do in Rockstar games matter, unless it happens inside this B movie.

    I mean, isn’t this like something that Rockstar was criticized for like ten years ago? Cyberpunk 2077 is not as reactive as you’d like, but it’s at least on par with Rockstar games.

    Whether the NPCs react as well, I can’t really argue about since I don’t remember GTA, et al, well enough.

    Add in your take on the political leanings of several hundred strong company en masse, and I’m not sure if your take has a lot of points worth the read.