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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 5th, 2023


  • We need an open source smart tag. I recently researched how the landscape has changed and, as an android user, still nothing good in available. I’m not sure if I remember right, but Google’s find my device was supposed to be open source or at least open spec? Might be worth looking into how easy it would be to code a lil firmware for this network myself. As much as I’d love a tag for things I cannot lose, the current options are throwing money away for no actual useful tracking (Samsung), forfeit your privacy (Tile, perhaps others), sell your soul (Apple).

  • Apple has the benefit of making everything themselves, down to the secure enclave processors and, as of some time also, the processor as a whole. They get to design their hardware, OS, software, ecosystem, all around security and it all plays together nicely.

    If you control everything, you can do whatever you want with it. Android phones being more of a mixed bag of different vendors making different parts of the phone, including the software components, makes this interplay much more difficult. It usually takes android quite some time before they catch up on the latest security concepts.

  • Super Hot and Beat Saber don’t cause motion sickness. If you have no idea about how the different kinds of VR movement affect nausea and haven’t developed any VR legs, then that’s absolutely on you. Especially given that Alyx remains accessible to people prone to motion sickness by giving you the option for teleport locomotion and snap turning instead. I know my limits and while I can use smooth locomotion, I still use snap turning. Don’t blame the game if you don’t know your limits and it’s essentially your first VR game in which you don’t stay in a single spot.

  • I’m on Sony WH-1000XM3 and recently also bought WF-1000XM5 that are always with me whenever I go outside. Very satisfied with both.

    Since you mentioned WF specifically:

    • Very portable

    • Great battery life

    • Seamless switching between different devices

    • Flush with (my) ears, you could easily lie down on your side with them in

    • Fine noise cancelling. Not as powerful as in the over-ears, but good enough when you’ve got some sound going. I use them to prevent sensory overload by playing rain and thunder sounds with noise cancelling while I’m commuting with a full metro.

    • Great sound quality. I find them to be very neutral, albeit a bit light on the bass when compared side-by-side to my over-ears. On their own (not side-by-side) there’s nothing I can complain about and my music is very enjoyable.

    • Wish the controls were more customizable or just better in general. You quickly end up tapping a LOT.

    • I’ve seen another comment mention comfort. My ears get fatigued if I wear them for 3 or 4 hours straight, e.g. when I’m working from a library. For long periods of time I prefer to tag my over-ears along, which I’d normally leave at home due to bulky size. I understand buying two kinds of expensive headphones is not an option, but just be wary of prolonged usage on the WFs. You can definitely get more used to them though over time, so you can wear the for longer before discomfort/pain starts creeping in.