• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • I can’t believe that you are blaming the green people! Those people are the one who consume the less and begged you to consume less. Did you do it? No, you didn’t. Had people like you listened then we wouldn’t be in our current situation. You wanted the ultimate comfort no matter what and you listened to nothing. We’ve been talking about greenhouse effect since the previous century.

    You will never move a boat with nuclear, you will never move an airplane with nuclear, you will never fertilize a field with nuclear. Stop dreaming.

    Also, these kinds of protestors are the same general group of people who stopped nuclear power from becoming a bigger player back in the 1960s and 70s. If we’d gone nuclear and replaced coal, we almost certainly wouldn’t be sitting here at the beginning of what looks to be a major global warming event that’s unlike anything we’ve ever seen before. It wouldn’t have completely solved the problem, but it would have bought us time.

    Short sighted view of the problem. First there is not enough uranium for everyone.

    Second, nuclear power is reserved to stable countries.

    Third, there is no uranium in the EU, making it yet another tool for pressuring countries.

    An AI may be able to help us develop ideas to mitigate global warming, and it seems ridiculous to me to go all luddite and smash the machines over what will be a minuscule overall contribution to it given the possibility that it could help us solve the problem.


    “The AI will save us!”

    Eat less meat! How hard is it to compute! So turn off your stupid AI and eat less meat. Do it now, stop eating meat.

    You know exactly what to do, you just DONT WANT TO DO IT BECAUSE YOU ARE LAZY AND ADDICTED TO COMFORT.

    If you don’t do what ten thousands of scientists are telling you to do right now then you will never do what a robot tells you to do. Your face when the AI will tell you to stop eating meat. “But this is not possible, we can’t do this, the AI is wrong! We need a bigger AI!!”

    omg, the denial.

    But let’s be real here; these hypothetical people smashing the machines are doing it because they’ve bought into AI panic, not because they’re afraid of global warming. If they really want to commit acts of ecoterrorism, there are much bigger targets.

    Like the tires of your car.

  • You have not clearly defined the danger. You just said “ai is here”. Well, lawyers are here too and they have the law on their side. Also the ai will threaten their model, so they will probably have no mercy anyway and will work full time on the subject.

    Wealthy and powerful corporations fear the law above anything else. A single parliament can shut down their activity better than anyone else on the planet.

    Maybe you talk from the point of view of a corrupt country like the USA, but the EU parliament, which BTW doesn’t host any GAFAM, is totally ready to strike hard on the businesses founded on AI.

    See, people doesn’t want to lose their job to a robot and they will fight for it. This induces a major threat to the ai: people destroying data centers. They will do it. Their interests will converge with the interest of the people caring about global warming. Don’t take the ai as something inevitable. An ai has a high dependency on resources and generates unemployment and pollution, and a questionable value.

    An AI requires:

    High tech hardware

    It’s like a nuclear powerplant but more fragile. If an activist group takes down a datacenter hosting an ai, who will blame them? The jury will take turns to high five them.

  • Yes sure you can. But it’s massively inconvenient. You basically need to take a day off work to pay your bills because bank offices are generally only open between 10am - 3pm. Even my 85 year old mom pays her bills online.

    Fantastic, but it’s gonna end because of a lack of resources. And by indulging into this technology now you are making sure that you won’t have a pension. You are walking into a dead end. Also once we remove oil from the economy all the consumer products will become extra expensive. The north won’t be rich for long, because eating will get more and more expensive. The day when eating was cheap are already counted.

    About banks, we won’t sacrifice our climate because the banks refuse to accommodate their opening hours.

    I went to Sweden and it was ridiculously difficult to use money. Completely ridiculous. I was waving a bank note and no one wanted to take it. I had no battery in my phone and I couldn’t purchase a train ticket, no internet means no ticket, ri-di-cu-lous. Also Stockholm can do without individual cars. I saw it, I was there. Many countries will tell you that cars are mandatory, they are not.

    Again, we cannot maintain this level of high tech production. It’s the laws of physics, it’s not politics, it’s not morality, it’s energy production and lack of minerals.

  • You take these luxury items for granted. It’s a luxury. It’s the same than saying that you cannot function without Ubereats in a modern society. Might be true in San Francisco but not anywhere else.

    Anyway we cannot mass produce those phones forever, who is seriously denying it? The end of this phone era will be forced upon us.

    You need to pay bills, taxes and conduct other government business over e-services. You need 2-factor auth to identify yourself (both officially to govt. services, banks etc and your own services like e-mail). We live in a cashless society - sure, you can use cards, but it’s increasingly popular to just put your cards into your mobile.

    People paid their taxes before the iPhone. Their bills too.

  • I’m not sure if you know this, but dismissing anyone who disagrees with you as having fallen for an ad campaign isn’t a particularly persuasive rhetorical tactic.

    Reminder that this dude wrote this in his essay:

    Plus you get to be smug about being green.

    Well, you get the greetings of smug people. Also I don’t care about rhetorical. Better speakers than me already talked to you all before and they failed to convince you of anything. So you can imagine how much I don’t care about being persuasive or rhetorical. I care about facts.

    But that aside, a smartphone someone buys every few years is a drop in the bucket for someone’s individual contribution to climate change compared to driving, flying, living in inefficient low-density environments, eating pork or beef, or a host of other disproportionate activities. This just comes off as moralizing for its own sake.

    Liar, the digital emits more CO2 than aviation.

    This just comes off as moralizing for its own sake.

    You are a bloody liar or ignorant. It took you like 30 sec to write your rant and spread some lies. But it took me way more time to find the source to debunk your crap. Well, I guess that’s what it is to be a green smug.

    I don’t post the sources, you won’t read them anyway.

  • Self driving cars have the potential of killing even more people.

    if it can perform better on the road than humans.

    Sure! Let’s see how these automatic cars drive when there is fog, or snow, or rain, during the night…you know all these cases that no AI ever trained for. Because when was the last time a CAPTCHA tried you with images with snow, or fog, or night, or rain? Never. I will never allow a self driving car on the road, I will vote against it at every opportunity.

    How is a self driving car different from a robot? So you want to release robots in the city and maybe they will kill some of us? Not okay. We have enough problem, ban it.

    The problem is the car itself, we need smaller cities and to rely less on cars. We don’t have the resources anyway to keep the cars model running.

  • All you wrote is just an ad to purchase more stuff and to give zero thought about the consequences.

    8, 9 and 10 years: you dislike change, you are incredibly broke or you only have a smartphone in the first place because it’s basically necessary to function in modern society. Plus you get to be smug about being green.

    Your whole thing is about money. If you think that all this technology, energy, CO2, minerals come for free then you are in for a very bad surprise.

    You are paying the price as we speak, through the inflation of all the other products you pay for every day. You will pay all your life for your privilege of falling for an ad campaign. Less crops, lower quality of crops? -> You will pay good money because of it. Less irrigation water? Same effect. Insurance companies in general will increase their premium non-stop because the risks will be everywhere. All this money comes out of your pocket.

    A phone is not a necessity to function in a modern society, and green people are not smug. You talk as if you were out of the game, as if you were not impacted. Are you from the northern hemisphere? Don’t you feel the heat these days?