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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: February 15th, 2024

  • From what I can tell this isn’t going to function, mainly just due to the additional proprietary connectors on that Dell card. I imagine there’s some sort of firmware integration as well though since it’s got a data line coming off it too. Quick side question, is there any reason you’re not just picking up some N95 boxes off Amazon? They’re so cheap you’d pay for them in power savings vs this box alone and you could essentially treat it as a Raid 1 of the entire system with a handful of backup scripts.

  • Unless you’re just opening up all the ports on your router, it should be blocking all incoming connections by default. I’d recommend doing 1:1 port mapping for the specific internal ips of your services if your router provides that capability, but at minimum just locking it down to only opening the ports required for your services should suffice.

  • That’s not accurate. It’s far easier to purchase the game currently than it is to pirate it. You get things like automatic updates, server support, verified software, library management, etc with almost every single point of sale where as with piracy you get none of those and likely a little bit of malware as a treat. If you moved games to a completely open source model, you’d see this paradigm shift dramatically with gray markets spinning up seemingly overnight offering similar features.

  • Firefox has absolutely destroyed the battery of most mobile devices I’ve tried it with. Any ideas on fixes to get it at least to parity with chrome? In-use power metrics seem fine, but if I let it sit Chrome will allow the system to go into low power/sleep while firefox tends to just keep things running somehow? (Not sure why there’s down votes here… I use Firefox by default whenever I’m on desktop and this is a real issue I experience on my mobile systems (M1 pro mac, Intel/Windows laptop, M1 iPad pro, and amd/Linux (steamdeck)). I’m also genuinely interested in solution recommendations… Like I get you love Mozilla and firefox, I do too, but I can’t substitute one for the other when it causes a significant shift in my device use paradigm.) (For the continued down votes, 1. You’re the reason people don’t want to use software you like 2. I’ve tested this on my machines and it’s very real, only occurring when firefox is running and not related to system settings).