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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: January 10th, 2023

  • Intellectual property is a scam. A commonly heard defense of intellectual property is that it is needed for companies to fund their R&D. However pharmaceutical companies typically spent a lot more money on marketing & sales than they do on R&D. Big Pharma spending money on marketing and sales is harmful to our health. Apparently it’s a lot more lucrative to get people drugged up on painkillers or whatever than to discover new medicine. If we didn’t have intellectual property then we would have competition resulting in the lowest possible medicine prices. Companies would have no money for marketing so medicine would be judged on their actual properties, only the best would be given to patients, not the best marketed, but best health-wise. Companies would have no money for R&D either, but the government could fund R&D We shouldn’t blame the players, we created a system that produces these bad actors. Let’s change the system so that these bad actors couldn’t exist. Intellectual property is a international problem, join the pirate party of your country and let’s make it happen!

  • Yup, theirs guilt as well as innocence on either side. It’s simply hate spiraling out of control for generations. Hate in response to hate, in response to hate, in response to hate. Some say the solution is to hate on Palestinians for all sorts of reasons. Others say the solution is to hate on Israelis for all sorts of reasons. I think the hatred-solution has been tried out sufficiently now.

  • People who say piracy is theft are wrong, actually holders of intellectual property are thieves that are stealing that what should belong to the public domain. When you pirate you make a copy of something, you don’t take anything away from the other person. That’s fundamentally different from theft. When you force people to pay for a free resource (copying data) you are creating artificial scarcity. To think that construction is helping society in any way is fooling yourself. It’s very clearly limiting human creativity and freedom. Allowing people to do with it as they please free of charge would allow for better ideas and applications to emerge. When someone comes up with an idea (a medicine, product, song, whatever) they claim it as theirs and no-one can touch it. Look at it this way: someone invents the wheel. The wheel is a concept that is out their, waiting to be discovered by someone. Before it was discovered it was readily available for anyone to discover, but than someone finally invents it and suddenly he can claim it as his? Is the first one to discover the moon, the one who owns it? Ultimately songs and books and such are not fundamentally different. Also, no-one writes a songs out of nothing, you build upon the ideas of others. You walk the path, use all the stepping stones laid down by others, it brings you to a point and suddenly it’s all yours? It doesn’t make any sense at all, but we’re so used to it that we can’t see it for what it is. It’s a scam. It’s a monopoly and it doesn’t belong in a free society. You should support creators and be thankful for their efforts, that’s why trademarks should exist, if you want to buy the copy from the author himself you should know which product to buy through the trademark, which one is by the original creator and which copies are from third-parties. But all other intellectual property is theft from the public domain.

  • RVMWSN@lemmy.mltoPrivacy@lemmy.ml/e/os vs graphene
    1 year ago

    I run /e/OS on my FP5. I like it a lot, I don’t know much about the technology though so I can’t tell it how it compares privacy wise. I am just happy that I get to run a phone without any Google/Apple involved. I use mostly f-droid apps and if I would really need something from the Play store I could access that through /e/'s App Lounge

  • I think the talk about personal privacy is obscuring the real issue. Power corrupts. Data is power. Big data is dangerous. If big tech abuses this power how could you fight it? Because they will notice any resistance and they can remove your visibility. It;s not about whether you personally have something to hide right now, it’s that no one will ever be able to hide anything anymore if we continue on this path, and I cannot for the life of me see how that does not end in totalitarianism eventually. I have nothing to hide, but that’s irrelevant.