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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 8th, 2023

  • The mother still pays and is very capable of providing. 3k is not the bare minimum when it’s, by decree, the maximum allowed by the state.

    It’s not because you can spend that you should and want to spend your money (I could spend more than I do, I prefer keeping some for emergencies and special projects and investments.

    Texas has a child support limit, but it might not be the only reason he wants to do it the, he might have more chance to keep custody there over California.

    People keep downvoting anyone who is not against Elon Musk, no need to be supportive of him, just simply stating that some arguments against him might be wrong is enough to get downvoted to hell.
    This is just Reddit all over again.

  • ChatGPT’s answer is on point:

    A content creator is someone who produces and shares content online, such as videos, blog posts, or social media posts. An influencer, on the other hand, is a person who has the power to affect the purchasing decisions of others because of their authority. knowledge, position, or relationship with their audience. While content creators may also be influencers, not all influencers are content creators. Some influencers may simply share their opinions or experiences with their audience to influence their decisions.

  • Not only province, but doctor/hospital but mostly urgency.

    If you’ve got something critical, it’s super fast, otherwise it can be pretty slow.

    went to the emergency for something stuck in my eye, 3am. Went in, waited 3 minutes to be checked, saw a doctor 15 minutes later, by the 1h mark I was out with 1 nurse and 1 doctor who had seen me and removed what I had and another nurse who had given me a vaccine shot.

    On my way out, I talked to someone in the waiting room I had seen at 8PM getting a softball to the side of the eye, she finally saw someone around 11h after getting to the E.R. (they quickly evaluate the urgency when you arrive).

    Almost 4 years later, I’m still waiting for my vasectomy appointment.

  • To me it’s the complete opposite. How can you raise children in the city? They can’t go out without a parent watching over them, they don’t even have a garden to play outside. By moving to the suburbs, my kids can just get on their bike, scooter or skateboard and meet up with their friends at their home or at the park, even as young as 8, it’s a pretty safe place and they’ve got plenty of outdoors to enjoy. We have room for the pool as well as the trampoline, playing soccer and kids can just walk to school super early.

    I moved in to the city when I was 14, after growing in the country/suburbs, when you’re a teen, it’s fun to take the bus to go watch a movie with your friends without relying on a parent driving you there and back. But younger than that, take your bike and you’ve got complete freedom!

    I couldn’t imagine raising my kids in the city so we moved out before having them, now I can’t imagine moving into the city ever again, I actually almost never go to the city except to visit friends or some museums, too many people, bricks and asphalt.

  • That’s similar to cruise control. Cruise control can be dangerous because someone could fall asleep (not having to manage your speed can afford up sleepiness) and the car wouldn’t slow down.

    In my opinion, those options are all the driver’s responsibility to know their own limit and understand that the tool is just a tool and you are responsible to making sure your driving is safe for others. Tesla autopilot adds a ton of safety features that avoid a lot of collisions based on lacking attention, sleepiness, and actively avoiding other drivers faults. But it’s still just a tool and the driver is responsible of their own car and driving.

  • That only works if the Bluetooth device is able to connect to two or more devices at the same time. My headset doesn’t, so if I want to switch sources, I need to explicitly disconnect the headset from the phone and manually connect it from the PC (in both cases, open Bluetooth settings, click on theb headset that’s paired and click either connect or disconnect). It’s a bit of effort but not too bad. Not as bad as pairing though.

    If I don’t disconnect from the last connected device, my headset will automatically connect to it and only play media from it.