Just another Reddit refugee

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • Absolutely. The problem started when they made student loans unable to be discharged through bankruptcy. This allowed colleges to charge whatever they wanted, because loans would rise to match, and the borrowers were locked in with no way to walk away. And look where we are now.

    You used to be able to pay for college with a summer job cutting lawns - not anymore!

    The only way to win in this environment is to be frugal AF - don’t jump straight into a four-year university, get your two-year out of the way at a community college, then transfer over for your major. Live at home until you graduate. Get your degree in business, which is applicable anywhere. Don’t take any loans, but do well in high school and apply for grants instead.

    The wrong answer is to take out hundreds of thousands in loans with no intention of repayment, vote-blue-no-matter-who because they’ve promised you the moon and the stars, and dismiss anybody telling you “uh, that’s not the best idea” as an alt-right nazi bigot.

  • Amen! And that’s always been the case - that’s why the traditional good advice has been that you get a business degree, with a minor in whatever the fuck actually interested you. A business degree is always applicable in every field, and like you said it’s rare that you actually get a career that follows your major. 90% of the time the college degree itself just proved that you could show up on time and follow instructions - but that’s gone out the window too in the past 20 years. Nowadays if you want a worthwhile secondary education trade school is where it’s at - you can’t outsource the trades.

    I’m old enough to remember when “don’t take loans you can’t afford to repay, and pay your fucking bills” was universal common sense and not left vs right - but look at this dumpster fire of triggered communists expecting to be absolved of the consequences of their poor choices by daddy government. Personally, I think they’re just salty that they got lied to again, and everybody who told them this would happen was dismissed / blocked / deplatformed as a being an alt-right nazi bigot. Shucks!