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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 18th, 2023

  • Israel has put great effort into tying judaism with zionism. The people that went to school in Israel (but also some jewish people abroad through jewish educational programs sponsored by Israel) learn that any attack on Israel is an attack on jews akin to the holocaust, and that all Palestinians want to kill all jews. Israel as an apartheid state has also been very attractive to racist people who do not care and even welcome a genocide of the people they consider to be ‘lesser’. Israel used that to advertise to such alt right people so that they can continue to violently colonise more Palestinian land. The people that do not condone apartheid and genocide were more likely to leave in the last decades (if they were able to) leaving those still there as a minority.

    Netanyahu’s popularity rose with the invasion and large scale bombings of civilian targets in Libanon. That should tell you enough about what most Israeli’s think of the genocide.

  • Hormonal replacement therapy makes trans women lose their advantage regarding muscle growth so the only real ‘advantage’ they have to being trans is being taller on average, but cis women can be tall as well and that was never considered unfair. Also trans women have disadvantages because they often have to deal with surgeries meaning they can’t train for months and they face a lot of discrimination which can impact performance, training possibilities and income (which also affects training possibilities and time). Trans women have never been a threat towards women’s sports, the percentage of trans women with medals is less than that of cis women. Even if you remove the factor of discrimination then the advantage trans women have is no more than a cis woman who is born with very slow muscle acidification. Talking about actual unfair advantages, in many olympic sports you have to have rich parents to be able to get on an olympic level because training facilities are expensive and you (and your parents) need to have a lot of free time.

  • As I said, the technicalities of why the US claims that their presence on Guantanamo Bay is rightful is irrelevant, the reason they still hold it is 100% their militarily and economically domination over Cuba (which the US keeps in place with their illegal blokkades), making it impossible for Cuba to have any negotiation power.

    When the contract was made Cuba could not refuse it because the US had already occupied Cuba. A contract that is made with an army standing at your door to invade if you don’t sign it is not a legitimate contract. The US is a coloniser and Cuba is just one of the examples. Cuba got lucky though because they at least got some independence (albeit with constant interference of the US trying to spark a civil war).

  • Nice way to twist the story with irrelevant technicalities (that I haven’t been able to verify. Cuba is pretty clear about wanting the US base gone).

    US would never give up Guantanamo Bay. Cuba has 0 negotiation advantages because they’re a small poor country whose economy is being crippled by US blokkades for decades.

    Edit: Apparently it wasn’t clear that by information I wasn’t being able to verify, I mean the claim that Cuba for some reason would want to have an occupying force on their land and therefore doesn’t want to renegotiate the treaty.

  • I have friends in Gaza and I’m really fucking scared for their life’s. In fact, I have been scared for them a long time because Israel is bombing civilian buildings regularly. Yes it’s terrible what Hamas is doing to Israeli civilians, punishing Gazan civilians is not the answer. I hate the Israeli government for what they’re doing to my friends. A lot of the people out there protesting have friends and family in Gaza and are very afraid as well.

    In polarising conflicts as these it is very important to look at the human side of things and to not condemn a whole group of people for what a small group is doing. I have much compassion for Israeli people who are afraid right now. But I also understand the need to speak out about an ethnic cleansing that is possibly about to happen by the Israeli government. Just look at the Amnesty International reports about the situation in Israel and occupied Palestinian territories. Humanitary crimes have been happening for years and years without any intervention, killing and hurting people on a much bigger scale than what hamas is doing right now. It is impossible to deny the hypocrisy by the west.