An AI with a billion samples to draw from might deliver the collective unconsciousness visual you’re looking for.
We have 2 worlds.
The primary world is made of sensations : sight, sound, thought, smell, emotion, etc.
The secondary world is made of concepts : Stories, models, language, etc.
That secondary world. Ya. Words, conversation, books, social media. That affects it. Creates it.
So glamour is a dream. And a grammar is, what, a special kind of dream? A useful, linguistically relevant dream. Where we assert/conceptualize connections between symbols and meanings.
And a grimoire, that’s a whole chunk of the grammarly hallucinogen.
Wouldn’t it be hilarious if it was 90% hallucination? A race of dreamers dreaming of conversation, remotely tickling each other’s dreams.
Irl communication would provide a thousand cues for augmenting understanding than a mere textstream wouldn’t. So that’s something to consider.
My hoopijoo relatively.
I have had a similar thought. That the words are just a ritual for getting us into the same psychic space and the actual communication occurs via telepathy.
How does it overcome the threat of achieving merely a logically consistent fantasy? (A chinese room situation)
I can lay ten-inch hexagonal porcelain tile while freefalling, actually. But I need to use a premixed adhesive.
Sling staff.
Lock picking.
Laying ceramic tile.
THAT is a good one. Perfect.
Well there you go. Art where the quality is accepted and expected to be low. That’s art that AI can do a good job at.
Art that is like fastfood.
Dumbass is the new sinner.
No Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. I tried a little and gave up.
Never used any music or video streaming service. Yo ho
The last episide was weak. The first couple seasons were good.
You are better off
If you don’t remember then how can you tell?
Sometimes you remember dreaming, sometimes you half-remember dreaming, sometimes you remember nothing.
I’m assuming that the unremembered part is full of dreams too.
Thanks. Maybe a bit cryptic. Maybe add a couple dots to indicate stuff is being added and removed?
And is there any way to underline the fact that it’s MY bowl that’s being taken from and added to? Is it necessary? I dunno. Mulling required.