• 1 Post
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 18th, 2023


  • As far as I remember, your companions will only attack if the npcs are hostile with the exception of boon. Boon will always shoot legion on sight. You can have some decision over their actions though by talking to them.

    As for the armor it does matter when and where you have it on. Again my memory may be foggy but factions can be peaceful or aggro depending on what you are wearing. You can even go into a camp with hostiles if you have their faction armor on.

    Take all of this with a grain of salt though, it’s been a long time and I did play with and without mods.

  • The MTX items are in game, the rumour that you can’t fast travel and stuff blatantly false.

    Capcom did some scummy shit, but the reason they(the press) didn’t know is because even now post release the game makes no mention of them.

    The limited travel, resurrections, and the currency for pawns were all in the first game and they all feel just as common in my experience.

    So fuck Capcom, but the game does deserve the reviews it got imo. However, they also deserve all the backlash they are getting, because they intentionally kept it quiet. They knew players would be upset. It’s gross.

  • I have always loved magic/mages/wizards/locks/witches/shamans in video games. When you have to make tons of alt accounts on MMOs or RPGs everytime i did another mage playthrough I started coming up with names for the memes. Some were okay, some were bad.

    When I went to do a hardcore playthrough of a game and was trying to think of a “sweaty” (sweaty being someone who puts in a lot of effort, for those unaware) pun, sweatyfireballs was born. I was so proud of if it, it became my new go to user name over my long running previous name that I came up with for my mage on vanilla wow. I peaked that day.