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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • Like you said, language evolves. People are deciding that the definition you follow is very limited and constrains dialogue by being needlessly exclusionary. So they’re seeking to expand the definition to its logical conclusion.

    You can throw a fit about other Semitic people being recognized or you can accept that language changes to fit our current understanding of the world.

    Antisemitism still refers to prejudice against Jewish people. It’s also being extended to all Semitic people as to disallow them the ability to categorize prejudice against them is to obfuscate and to an extent even deny their own reality.

  • That’s not an answer to the question.

    Interesting that you use the idea that English is a living language to push back against people using a term in a way you’ve decided is incorrect. Seems like you don’t think English is that alive after all if you refuse to incorporate all Semitic people into the concept of antisemitism.

    You can’t cite descriptivist arguments to defend your prescriptivist attitude towards the term antisemitism. It betrays your own bias and deflates your argument.

    Language evolves, just like you said. Which is why people are realizing the double speak nature of this idea that antisemitism is only when you’re prejudiced against a specific Semitic people group and the others don’t get a term to describe prejudice against them. Your position is an Orwellian attempt to deny a group of people the ability to specifically identify their oppression and it’s sad.

  • First off: The word Palestine derives from Philistia, the name given by Greek writers to the land of the Philistines, who in the 12th century bce occupied a small pocket of land on the southern coast, between modern Tel Aviv–Yafo and Gaza. It’s very much not a new term for the region and it’s people.

    And on the West Bank Israeli settlers backed by the IDF are taking Palestinian homes and brutalizing them if they resist.

    The West Bank is even simpler. We’ve seen what settler colonialism does ever since the Romans got their “honorable” war with the Samnites by sending in settlers then sending in the army when the locals resisted the colonization. Rome similarly pretended they weren’t the aggressors then too.

  • Hamas came into prominence after the peace talks in the 90s fell apart. They fell apart because the moderate Israeli pm named Rabin was assassinated by Zionists. Then the group responsible went on to fund and prop up Hamas so they could ultimately beat the leading moderate party in Palestine, Fatah. We’ve also seen Netanyahu in power since and it’s only gotten farther from peace.

    Gaza is not a terrorist state, Gaza is a prison and outside of Gaza in the West Bank Israeli settlers keep pushing Palestinians out of their homes. Just because they stopped in one spot does not make them suddenly on the right side of things.

    Peace was again close in 2012, but Israel refused to lift its blockade of Gaza. It’s a shame you’ve only been informed of times that Hamas allegedly blocked peace. You should think about why.

    And on your last sentiment, you can easily justify Hamas’ despicable actions with that logic. An open air prison where the median age is 18 and there’s no education is a population set up to fall into extremism. You don’t get rid of Hamas by doing exactly what they tell citizens you’re going to do to them.

    Israeli policy creates the militants of tomorrow and for the right wing Zionists that’s part of the plan.

  • You used the actual wording yes but your understanding of the bill is still vapid.

    It’s not race based and has no legal power to enforce anything. I’m not upset by the original wording. I’m bothered by your stubborn refusal to look at this beyond your previously conceived value judgements.

    And yes, another comment sourced you information you shoved off your high chair like a toddler because they didn’t chew it up for you so you could swallow the mash without thinking too hard about chewing. Congrats on the snark, it’s the only thing you’re good at.