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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: February 22nd, 2024

  • Anything that suggests you believe the current state of the world is acceptable outs you as a lib. Saying things like “Yeah Biden’s got some problems, but at least he didn’t do a few of the things trump did.” If you believe that things would have been fine were it not for trump, you’re a lib. Or a moron, I cant always tell the difference.

    Heres a great summary of liberalism: “If we put forward good policies into the politics machine, then other people will too, and because I have absolute faith in the system established by a bunch of slave owners, whatever comes out MUST be just and good.” Which of course implies that if the result you want or need DOESNT come out of the politics machine, it is right and just that you should not get it.

    Like, they fundamentally don’t realize that the politics machine is capable of breaking, and that it has been broken for a LONG time (basically the moment it was asked to value the needs of someone who wasn’t wealthy, white, and male.)

  • LMAO, that is exactly what I think, though I don’t think ive ever put it that well. It’s quite obvious that America is trying to expand it’s reach to include Ukraine, and that is fundamentally a big threat to Russia, seeing as America has made NATO into the “Fuck Russia” club. It’s kind of insane that westerners will rightly say the Russian version of imperialism is wrong, but have no issue with the American version, despite all of South and Central America being living proof of how destructive it is. It’s legitimately MORE harmful to overthrow a government and install a bloodthirsty dictator who ruins your economy for decades to come than it is to bomb cities and engage in traditional warfare.

    And in case anyone thinks that was all 20th century stuff, America certainly is not done doing this, they attempted to enact the typical playbook in 2018 in Venezuela (again), by declaring their puppet, Juan Guiado, the winner of an election that was won fairly by Maduro, on top of the mercenaries sent to assassinate Maduro.

  • Okay let’s get some facts down, because you are sorely lacking them.

    1. Britain stole what is now Israel from Palestine in 1948. Palestine is older. There’s a strong argument that all of Israel is still Palestine, seeing as Palestine never agreed to it.

    2. For 30 years prior to 10/7, Israel carried out a siege of Gaza, for all intents and purposes. Gazans could not leave to receive life saving medical care without permission, they could not build water pipes without the IDF bombing them, they could not bring in food from outside because Israel was rationing the number of calories they allowed in, and they could not build hospitals featuring any level of technology because Israel prevented all tech from coming in (not just weapons, all technology more complex than a flip phone).

    3. Genocide is an ongoing concept. The fact that Jews exist today is not evidence that the Holocaust didn’t happen. If a group sees 5 million births every year, it is still genocide to kill 2 million of them per year.

    It is frankly absurd that you think you know more about this than I do, while getting all of these basic facts wrong. You obviously haven’t researched this at all, so why do you think you are some expert on it? I certainly didn’t know the 3 facts I laid out above before doing any research, nobody does. So why are you convinced you just happen to possess correct knowledge of a highly complex situation innately? Nobody has ever been right about anything worth thinking about before researching anything on the subject, I promise it’s not just you.

  • No, I mean does Russia, China, or Al Jazeera say that NK rigs their own elections. Or any country/paper that doesn’t stand to gain from lying about NK in the same direction as the US media stands to gain.

    Yes, it is good to kill IDF soldiers. They are committing genocide. Hamas isn’t hiding behind civilians, they ARE civilians, who have been radicalized by the genocide. Also it’s literally impossible to position an army base somewhere in Gaza that is not next to civilian housing.

    But to be clear, even if Hamas IS using human shields, it is still a crime against humanity to target that shield. Source on them systemically violating it though? I’m mostly interested to see if your source is blatant propaganda. Presumably "100 Gazans got in the way of our missiles last week, but they were actually all Hamas anyway due to living within a mile of a hospital “Military base” ".

    IDF is the bad guys here, not sure how much clearer they have to make it. Even if they didn’t have a history of never telling the truth, they wouldn’t be trustworthy.