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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • People who’ve never lived in Texas really don’t get it. Everything is spread out to an almost ludicrous degree. I drive an hour to get to my friend’s house, and I don’t even consider him to be far away. We both live in the same metroplex.

    Public transportation is almost complete failure here due to not being prioritized, and driving anywhere is a pain in the ass with drivers from all over just winging it on congested streets. Don’t even get me started on overpriced tolls that have become the only reasonable way to travel 30min+

    Texas is not ok.

  • It’s the use of “rigged” that throws me. I agree money in politics is bad, and adds improper influence and incentive into the whole thing. That is not the same context that we have widely seen “rigged” used in the last 8 years. The term brings to mind GOP lies about election integrity, and bogus claims of fraud.

    If this was just someone I was talking to I would brush the statement off as bad word choice, and move on if there was nothing else. With it being a statement after an election loss from someone with political experience I struggle to let it slide. Word choice and presenting ideas/policy is a major part of the job she is running for, and I think such poor word choice in a statement she had every opportunity to proofread and consider is worthy of some criticism. Doesn’t make her an election denier, or anything of the sort, but it does warrant a little slap on the wrist from the public.

    Overall she’s right, but there were many better ways to say it.

  • Not sure if they had the same issue as me, but maybe. I loved the game, but the last act had the typical crpg feeling of all the possible storylines condensing into a few. Not a major failure, but it really stuck out to me because of how well the rest of the game handled it. They did a phenomenal job of making me feel free to tackle each previous act however I wanted. The world reacted pretty well, and there were a few points I was actually surprised to see characters react specifically to some weird solution I came up with. At the end it felt like my choices mattered much less, and I was on this track of betray/kill one Big Bad or the other with the only difference being who goes first and what flavor of help comes along.

    I think this is an issue all crpgs will have (it’s just too much work to have many wildly different endings), but the amount of discussion around BG3 being the new standard for the genre makes the issue stand out. At least for me.

  • I’m not sure the comment calling for regulation is a corporate shill. It’s a pretty level-headed look at things imo, because the truth is YT cannot afford to operate for free. We live in a system that just doesn’t allow that, for better or worse. Unfortunately, the way we went about funding things on the internet (outside of ridiculous amounts of capital flowing to startups for years, which doesn’t really apply to YT/Google) was ads, and they have gotten wildly out of hand. This is on top of an insane amount of data harvesting. We have to face the reality that any major, data-heavy platform like YT is going to need significant revenue.

    We need a solution to either lower the cost of (opening things up for individuals to host), or more efficiently fund, services we like if they’re going to stick around in the current state of the world. Even if we say “google can eat the cost” we’re still putting all our faith in the goodwill of an entity that is designed to do the opposite of what we’re asking. That’s begging for issues.

    Peer-to-peer stuff is the best solution I’ve seen, or self-hosting. I’m far from an expert, but from what I understand the tech just isnt there yet for it to become the norm. All that data has to go somewhere, and storage is prohibitively expensive at a certain point.

  • Fuck you anti-cop assholes. Get robbed, get mugged, get in an accident, lose your kid, need some help, and see what song you’re singing then.

    I come from a cop family, and I hate this argument. Of course people are going to call the police when shit happens. That is literally the only option available to reasonable and lawful people. Doesn’t mean police haven’t actively damaged their reputation with decades of abuse and corruption, and force the decent cops out if they try and buck the trend.

    Police in general have some major issues right now, and first among them is outright denial there are any issues at all. Just look at 2020 where the first protests were met with immediate escalation and violence (it was like day 1 we had videos of cops shoving elderly people to the ground. They cracked that one guy’s head open). Tone-deaf and completely dismissive of concerns raised by their own communities. Nothing has improved since then, in fact the police seem to have deepened that ’ us v. them’ mentality.

    I’m not saying I agree with banning armed police, but I can agree that this type of stuff is where we’re headed with the route police and their most ardent supporters are taking. Policing took a bad turn back when cops starting calling non-police ‘civilians’, as if police were a military branch. “Community policing” is dead, and it’s no surprise the reputation went with it.

  • TommySalami@lemmy.worldtoGames@lemmy.worldBaldur's Gate 3 Review Thread
    11 months ago

    There’ve been fantastic CRPGs in the last handful of years. Off the top of my head: Divinity Original Sin 2 (2017), PoE/PoE2(2015/2018), Tyranny(2016), Torment: Tides of Numenera(2017), Pathfinder Kingmaker/WotR(2018/2021), and Disco Elysium1 (2019).

    There’s definitely been a comeback, I feel like I’ve been eating good on that side for a while now.

    1Play this game if you haven’t. It’s so fucking good