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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • I tend to gravitate towards female characters in single player games and I ask myself this same question a lot. The weird thing is that I have no gender preference when my options are more limited - it’s only when I’m being asked to customize my appearance. With male characters I never really know what I’m looking for - usually what looks right is what looks familiar. Maybe I’ll be scrolling through hair options, find something that reminds me of Aragorn, and before I know it that’s who I’m roleplaying. With a female character it’s easier for me to resist these influences and make someone original because I can rely on my own preferences to tell me what looks right. I’ll still play male characters if I have a specific influence in mind, but otherwise I find myself much more likely to actually finish a game as a female PC.

  • I’ve been trying to wrap my head around the unconditional support that the US has shown to Israel during this crisis. I understand why we must stand with our friends and allies. I understand that Israel has immense strategic value as an “unsinkable aircraft carrier” in the Middle East. I understand our desire to support democracies in the region. I understand that they have a right to defend their people. I understand that our support is necessary to keep things from cascading further out of hand. But what I don’t understand is how we can provide all this support and still have no leverage to ease the suffering of innocent Palestinians. Are we even capable of applying diplomatic pressure on Israel, or has our support become something more akin to an entitlement?

  • Using the heroes act I think gave them cover to argue that this was relief related to the pandemic, like PPP loans, which has honestly been an effective strategy to win over moderates on the issue - myself included. It seduced us into thinking that this was justified because PPP loans were not, and that two wrongs made a right. In reality, the repayment freeze was the relief we needed - anything beyond that would be economic stimulus, at which point you have to ask who’s being left out. The further this gets from the pandemic, the more difficult it becomes to justify.