My god, that is some cursed puppets ☹️
Memed to exhaustion, still laugh at robot chicken joke.
Haha true, “My Trigger” from them is also nice.
Cool video and nice music, looks like a proto version of Hardcore Henry.
That is a band that i didnt listen for a long time, remember that The White Stripes - I Just Don’t Know What to Do With Myself caused a stir in mtv at release.
i dont see why not 👍
Haha, i get a similiar feeling from ! when seeing cableporn(Tidying cables ).
Never heard of ! , but it seen somewhat popular.
I see a lot niche of a niche communities(music->genre -> genre variation; programming language ->web/db -> specific language), i imagine that would be hard to find them unless you are looking for them.
Which communities ? Edit: Now i see that they show at profile
People singing praises, but it needs to improve, i shouldnt need another website to find communities; also the state of fractured communities with same name that dilute content.
both are good for different reasons
Dredd, highly praised by fan and critics; Also a recent one Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves no buzz but high praise overall.
“Passagem para Ravena” has a great mix of romance and fantasy, got me immersed like no other.
but the heat!
Do you use a hoodie while using shades indoors ? Avoid doing that might help 😆
People like to lurk, often avoid posting by fear/laziness/shyness to open a conversation.
Where is the stick ? I only see a sword