If you ask me it’s because non mediteranian winters are disgusting.
If you ask me it’s because non mediteranian winters are disgusting.
That’s interesting. Here the AfD just cut the middleman and fulfills both roles.
Give it a few years
Instead they did this so at least your beer pints aren’t going anywhere 😅
Every time that asshole uses the word demilitarisation we should send another Taurus to Ukraine
What’s stopping you? 😄
(man I wish I could swap genders and pass-)
Should we unpack this or nah?
This guy sees Commies, I’ve also heard people compare Trump to their highschool bullies, abusive parents or asshole bosses. I think Trump just conjures up the worst memories you have involving oppression because that’s what he embodies.
Exactly, it might sound bizarre at first but at the end of the day cremation is a massiv waste. They’re actually testing boiling corpses instead of burning them to save energy so all things considered this solution might be the less strange one.
I’d love for more people to join but even if not there’s no going back for me 😅
No but he was also left hanging
It’ll be fine. This used to be standard waste management practice until woke environmentalists banned it. /s
It may have been a boot
I think they’re just trying to keep the money in Europe while utilizing all available sources. Not sure the current demand could be dealt with without Switzerland.
This happens a lot more than you’d think. I experienced something similar in Dachau and the guide told me if someone does something unhinged/disrespectful during a tour there’s a 9 out of 10 chance it’s a descendant of a holocaust victim. She didn’t say why she thought that is but she said it’s something that puts the staff on edge whenever there’s an Israeli group visiting. I’m surprised they got the cops involved though.
Of course that’s Trump’s plan. Divide and conquer has been the name of the game this entire time. We know who our enemies are and what they want by now. It’s up to us not to let it happen.