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Cake day: June 11th, 2023

  • Anyone who ate hot lunch had to eat everything on their tray, and we weren’t allowed to pass on any part of the meal because children in other countries were starving or something. Lunch ladies checked our trays before we were allowed to leave the cafeteria.

    On the days when sauerkraut was served, we’d take turns being the sauerkraut smuggler, cramming that dank crap from about a dozen 8 year old kids’ trays into an empty milk carton, so we could toss it all without the lunch lady catching it. One day when I was the kraut smuggler, lunch nazi grabbed my carton and marched me back to the table. She said I had to eat every strand of the milky garbage we’d all stowed before I could leave.

    I tried, but kept gagging and retching. I sat huddled with the collective slop at the table, crying for about 3 hours before my teacher found me and released me from lunch jail.

  • The “just go through the steps” people is me - the solitary commenter who has declared direct and extensive experience within the organization. You’re correct that one of the steps is approval, yet the woman in this instance never requested approval. What is wrong with requesting approval for an exception from an organization that isn’t yours? Everyone else requests approval, just like we all would if we wanted an exception at work, because we don’t own the company.

    It boggles my mind that almost every commenter here is certain that there would never have been approval because GSUSA is Zionist, Girl Scouts is made up of donors who are largely Jewish, GSUSA is genocidal and would lose money by granting approval to the nonexistent request. This is all emotion and vile conjecture. Where are the facts to support such accusations?

    Why don’t the rules apply to this one individual. I led many activities that had to be cleared, and because I don’t own the Girl Scouts, because I’m not in charge of the organization, I never thought “Oh, those rules aren’t meant for me”. I simply made the requests and provided details as needed. Then my request was approved almost every time. Somehow, this one person is the only one who is above that? And this means the Girl Scouts are racist? What a massive, crazy leap!

  • I was troop leader for GSUSA, and you called it. The organization is very protective of its image, in order to be open to kids from ALL cultures. The rules regarding political activities under the Girl Scouts banner are clearly stated, and if there are any questions or requests for an exception, the staff is always willing to help.

    This troop could have simply cleared the plan in advance, or participated in political, humanitarian fundraisers without involving the organization. The fact that the leader decided to break the rules, take offense, disband, and publicly infer that the Girl Scouts values are questionable says a lot about who has what agenda.

  • I just read HB 269.

    There’s a big list of hallelujah shit for Utah schools. IN GOD WE TRUST must be displayed prominently. Selecting excerpts (cherry picking for god) from the Magna Carta, the Ten Commandments, the Mayflower Compact, the pledge of allegiance, etc and displaying or distributing copies of these excerpts in public schools is an acceptable part of the curriculum. This indoctrination shall not be censored due to religious or cultural beliefs.

    To answer your question, no, the 10 C’s is just a tiny piece of the dismantling of free thought. The “non-profit” church now demands to have carte blanche influence on all kids in public schools.

  • Jesus dude, women get raped all the time. Thousands of girls, boys, men, children are raped every day. I’ve been raped. We’re immersed in rape because our species rapes a lot.

    This isn’t about YOUR anger or YOUR penalties if YOU were president. This isn’t about you at all! This is about the tragic consequences of abolishing humane medical care and support for people in need. You know, “the least of us” that the christian nationalists love to crucify. Take yourself out of this story and try to find a loving response.