I’m so glad that we are moving away from screens that will last 20+ years to screens that will be in a landfill after 2 years because of burn in.
Because it’s better?
I loved the first one but the 2nd one just couldn’t keep me engaged. I played it for like a week then put it down and never felt the urge to pick it back up again.
The combat in those games is very addictive, it’s just so smooth and enjoyable. So like you said I also don’t think they would need to change much as the gameplay is already top tier.
Lemmy is literally an exact clone of Reddit… it’s existence is to be an alternative to reddit.
Oh God forbid I call it a sub on a platform that is a identical clone to reddit.
Bloated in what way? Like game wise? I have Steam, EGS , and GoG and they all run just as smooth as the next
Why do you think they shouldn’t add support for them?
Why not? Does the steam deck not work with those?
Saying that will get you banned from the helldivers sub.
I’m not a VPN expert but I can pirate all day long and not get letters from my ISP.
Maybe it’s not good for other things you may need a VPN for but for trying to access region locked content or pirating, it seems to work just fine for those needs.
Cope for what? I don’t think you know what that word means
Because everywhere else has better consumer protections than America. 2 hour refund policy is some real anti consumer shit.
You have your history wrong
You can thank America for that
Lemmy users acting like they are superior human being to people on reddit is the most cringe shit I’ve ever seen.
Yall are exactly the same and people on Reddit.
Why would they? They still get a %30 cut of those $70 games. Blacklisting them would just be giving GoG and Epic a leg up in being the only stores you can play Sony blockbusters.
Just a reminder that the steam Refund policy in America is illegal everywhere else in the world. They aren’t this great company that’s consumer first. They are trying to make as much money as possible and have Allowed the likes of 2k games and EA to be as scummy as possible on their platform.
Yep, anyone not circle jerking with you is a troll
I enjoy a ad free life but thanks for your concern.
How is a screen saver supposed to do anything to prevent burn in from games that have static images like the UI in an MMO or the scoreboard in a sports game?