• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023


  • As far as I know the fact that slave trade was already a well established business in western Sub-Saharan Africa, mostly with Muslim nations played a huge role. European colonizers were in desperate need for workforce in their new American territories. Plagues from the old world had absolutely decimated most of the indigenous population plus many Europeans also struggled severely with tropical diseases that they weren’t used to.

    Originally, African slaves were mostly used out of economic convenience and not for specific ideological reasons. It’s quite disturbing to consider how this particular anti black racism that is still very prevalent today developed directly as a result of and as an instrument to maintain the institution of slavery. The economic circumstances of the 16th or 17th century still have enormous implications for our moral landscape in the 21st century.

  • You have to be delusional if you think that a military coup orchestrated by Russia benefits anyone but a few corrupt elites. Your kneejerk reaction is nothing but cutting of your nose to spite your face. The French are certainly no saints but between military dictators, jihadist terrorists and Russian warlords they are one of the better actors in the region. If you unironically call the current state a French colony you must be lost deep in the Russian propaganda rabbit hole.

  • Absolutely, I not some anarchist type who hates corporations out of principle but at this point the enshittification of platforms by large corporations has basically proven to be a natural law of the internet.

    I’m somewhat in doubt though whether a decentralized platform run by its users can really keep up with all ongoing developments. Let’s say bots become a problem what about bot detection and banning or what about legal regulatory changes? That being said, reddit devs appear utterly incompetent and somehow they manage. Perhaps in the long run some non-profit organization, something like the Wikimedia Foundation is necessary, at least for individual parts of the network.

    Maybe someone with more insights into these topics can share their opinion.