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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: December 26th, 2023


  • One of the problems Epic has is that it is only a store front. Steam is a fully featured platform.

    Epic, in their lawsuit, wants to break Steam’s store and platform into separate applications, so they can compete.

    Sort of like how people want to have different app stores on their iphones.

    Difference is: Steam has no restrictions in the first place. You can add non-Steam games to the client if you want. You can use Proton if you want.

    Steam offers all of these features for free. What is the point in breaking them apart.

  • Games are art. I have full respect for an artist who does not compromise their vision for someone who refuses to engage with the art, on the artists terms.

    A lot of people played The Witcher 3 and thought the combat was boring, but never spent time preparing for battle by considering which oils and potions to use - because they didn’t need to. They were playing on easy or normal.

    These people robbed themselves of the experience of immersing themselves in the role of a Witcher, and turned each encounter into a button masher.

    Imagine being a developer and seeing people shit on your game for ‘unengaging combat’.

    Now, sure, you can make the argument that that’s just one element of The Witcher 3, and some people are playing for the story - and fair enough.

    But there isn’t anything analogous in the Souls franchise. The gameplay IS bashing your head against a wall for ten hours. You don’t get to just turn down the difficulty, breeze through every boss on the first try, and claim the game is boring.

  • One of the mods banned be because of a disagreement. Don’t be surprised if I don’t reply after this (means I got banned again) So I’m replying here:

    I guess we’re just talking past one another.

    I am not talking about how represented Islamic terrorism is, at all - whether it is reported in the news or not, it’s besides any point I’m making.

    It simply is a fact that murdering due to drawing cartoons is not a life or death matter for any other religious group (or any other claims, like Muhammad being a paedophile).

  • I haven’t finished the series yet, but I heard >!it was Vault Tech who dropped the nukes!<

    If that’s the bastardisation you’re referring to, it’s actually not surprising if you’ve been paying attention. >!Vault Tech are fucking demons. Half of their vaults are sadistic torture chambers disguised as “experiments”, it makes total sense they would have instigated everything!<

  • I’m pretty much on board, though how much anyone can agree is a matter of relativity.

    We know about the closest stars and the planets within them, and based off spectrometry, we’re confident the planets “close” to us haven’t had life, though they might be capable.

    The chances of there being no mass extinction events in the millions of years following abiogenesis is arguably smaller than surviving the five or so we’ve had. Given everything we know about astrophysics, we owe the asteroids a few clean hits, we have been astronomically lucky, and that’s not even taking into consideration every other cause of mass extinction.

    15 billion years is still considered early in the grand scheme of things, it’s likely that we are the early ones. A billion years head start is plausible, sure, but it’s certainly less plausible than our existence.

    All of this is to say that life is rare enough without them being a stones throw away.

    And this is all disregarding any possible intent behind a visit. Any being capable of space travel does not need our resources.

    Unless they’re sex tourists, which would explain all the anal probing.

    On second thought, I choose to believe.

  • Zozano@lemy.loltoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlDo you believe in Aliens?
    3 months ago

    The chances of extra terrestrial life to have visited earth is very, very small.

    The chances of life to occur are small enough,

    The chances of evolution to pass through multiple extinction events and producing a being capable of higher intelligence is even smaller,

    The chances they have done this faster than humans is smaller still,

    The chances they have evolved close enough to us to have visited is near impossible.

    The universe is huge, there’s almost certainly life elsewhere - but to ask whether they visited earth is like speculating on whether ghosts exist.

    Also the universe is expanding at such a fast rate that unless we develop faster-than-light tech, we will never reach another solar system.