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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023


  • I wanted to say that this is a hot take but it seems a lot of people in this comment section agree, It doesn’t matter what kind of book it is. Destroying books is and should very much be a big no no.

    I feel bad every time I have to throw out a book. Because it’s not only a Symbol of wisdom and knowledge, it is also a testament to a world view, a thought process and identity.

    Burning books is the very antithesis of what we consider a modern Society. It directly attacks fundamental rights, if only Symbolically. The right to think freely, to have a different opinion, the pursuit of knowledge to better ourselves and our Surroundings in pursuit of these world views.

    To quote Heinrich Heine: “dort wo man Bücher verbrennt, verbrennt man auch am Ende Menschen” (Where one begins by burning books, one will end up burning people. )

    PS: In search of the correct Quote I stumbled upon this quote by Arnold Zweig: “Wer Bücher verbrennt, verbrennt auch Bibliotheken, bombardiert offene Städte, schießt mit Ferngeschützen oder Fliegerbomben Gotteshäuser ein. Die Drohung, mit der die Fackel in den Bücherstapel fliegt, gilt nicht dem Juden Freud, Marx oder Einstein, sie gilt der europäischen Kultur, sie gilt den Werten, die die Menschheit mühsam hervorgebracht und die der Barbar anhaßt, weil er halt barbarisch ist, unterlegen, roh, infantil”

    Roughly translated: “Whoever burns books also burns libraries, bombs open cities, shoots down places of worship with long-range guns or aerial bombs. The threat with which the torch flies into the pile of books is not aimed at the Jew Freud, Marx or Einstein, it is aimed at European culture, it is aimed at the values that humanity has laboriously created and which the barbarian hates because he is just barbaric, inferior, raw, infantile”