Ahh ok, I get you now
Ahh ok, I get you now
Ah sorry, forgot about that!
Well, they did but was just two elements they used, rather than a full word
How about cooking hotdogs in a kettle?
Fish fingers in the toaster?
I’ve started leaving the bag in, the OG tea in Spain is gash, need to double bag.
Big Carrefour sells Yorkshire (for a treat) and, Mercadona sells PG Tips.
Like a really big spring onion
Can we still say “what’s up, dawg?”
It is funny that the litter box story was taken as gospel.
What a time to be alive.
I got a permanent ban on the Vinted sub, plus a three day ban on the rest of Reddit for „Harassment" and that was down to a single comment.
Aye, it’s just escapism one way or another.
But no, we must be active 100% of the time.
We don’t have to do that wank “/s” here do we??
Same man, I’ve been on Reddit pretty much since 2005.
It seems like such a waste of 20 years of doom scrolling, imagine if I’d put that time into learning a trade, or another language…
Guys, the fuel is gas.
The bodies aren’t used for fuel like sticks or coal.
The gas is ignited, which burns the bodies.
It’ll bite him in the arse, when he’s old and unemployed and with no bladder because of the ket
That scene from the Holy Grail is pretty much spot on.
This is her relaxed after going for my jugular
Coke and a ciggie and I’ll be right as rain
That was one of the last straws, not being able to say Luigi.
She does look concerned, I’ll give you that!
I shall also pay the tax:
Thank you!
Where is the door in case I get scared
I’m an exodusee as well, just a minnow at this point.
I just got sick of the right wing bullshit, the censorship, the shills, the morons, the bootlickers…
Hello all
Almost forgot about this beaut. Spent hours at uni getting stoned and playing this and Mashed: Fully Reloaded