Creative burnt out gifted kid just trying to exist On Mastodon

  • 5 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: January 28th, 2022


  • I would, in no certain order:

    • Work at a coffee shop part time making coffee for people. Preferably a locally owned shop, but it wouldn’t matter too much if not.
    • Work as a bartender similarly as above
    • Potentially garden if I have the time and interest for it
    • Create more YouTube videos
    • Write, record, and release more music
    • Learn to paint
    • Get a film camera and take photos with it
    • Contribute to FLOSS projects
    • Finally make that D&D table that doubles as a dining table that I’ve been wanting to make for a few months now
    • Actually follow through on learning my several languages I’m working on learning
    • Become an interpreter (probably in ASL)
    • Develop video games
    • Create more art in general
    • Do research on how art and society mingle together and interact

  • Since I’ll be moving to LibreWolf and it’s based on FF, I’ll check out Mull. Unfortunately I don’t see my device on DivestOS’s site (it’s a Motorola Moto G Power 2022), but it’s also quite new so it’s understandable. I’ll switch it to Lineage or something like that whenever it gets support for it but I’m fine with a degoogled Android for now.

  • I’m personally like to stop using Brave, and I will, however while LibreWolf will be what I’ll switch to on desktop, I’m not sure what I would want to switch to on my Android phone. I see that LibreWolf doesn’t have an Android version (and potentially never will; fine, developers will do whatever they want). I’ve heard about IceRaven, however, I’m not sure how good it is. Also would like an actually privacy focused search engine, but I think LibreWolf might have a good list on that front.

    (Note: please do suggest in replies, not sure I made that apparent)

  • Initially it was Animal Crossing: Wild World. One of my parents’ coworker’s daughter was babysitting me before school when I was in 3rd grade and she had the game on her DS and I fell in love with it. Still have the copy I got to this day. However, I wouldn’t say I fully got into the hobby until The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword and Twilight Princess (Wii). TP especially got me to fall in line with video games as a storytelling medium artistically and narratively.

  • Effectively, console manufacturers should agree on some kind of standard architecture, which, to be very realistic and blunt (apologies as this isn’t necessarily the tone of the post, but I like trying to make things work in some way), as long as Nintendo is in the console game, it’s gonna be a bit difficult (unless we just let them do whatever they want console-wise and have the others create some kind of standard home console arch). As someone who is dipping their toes into game development, that is something I would love to see.