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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023

  • I can tell you that what works for me is to be polite but distant. I’ll say “good morning!” to my coworkers and “have a good night!” At the end of the shift. I’ll be helpful when needed, and I’ll do my best to work well with others.

    However, I’ll keep an “out” handy for when people get gossipy or nosy. I’ll bring a book along to read during breaks and at lunch, or I’ll keep something work-related in my hands when I’m around a group of coworkers, as an indicator to the group that I’m not wanting to chat.

    I’ve also gotten good at turning conversation back around on really chatty, insistent people. “No, I don’t have a favorite color. What’s yours?” “Yes, I do think that patient looks like Elvis, are you a fan of his?” “No, I don’t have a dog. Do you?” Basically, be really boring with your answers, but let them keep talking about themselves, as they’re likely tire themselves out eventually. Works if you can stand it, and if you can do your job with a coworker talking at you for an hour. Last resort, and all that.

    Of the examples you’ve given as responses, I think the only one that doesn’t make you come across as dickish is the one stating that you don’t want to talk about religion or politics, and even then, you sound like an asshole when you state this.

    Instead of “‘I’ve worked here for a year already. It should be clear by now that I’m not a talkative person. This is a question I don’t want to answer. And I hope that you respect that.’”, you could say something like “I don’t feel comfortable talking about this”. It’s shorter and way less aggressive, and people are more likely to listen to you when you’re not all up in their face over a question, you know?

    “‘that I don’t talk doesn’t mean I hate you, it means I have nothing to say’” For the record, I also think it’s ludicrous that you feel you have to say this. Maybe you could word it a little differently though, something like “I don’t mean for you to take it personally, I’m just a private person, and prefer to keep my home life at home”

    “‘I don’t see what that has to do with the job’” could be “Not to be a buzzkill, but mind if we keep this conversation on work?”

  • Haha, are you high?! The Bible is full of torture! Look at the story of Job, or the commandment to rape young girls after slaughtering their families (Kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman who has known man intimately. But all the girls who have not known man intimately, spare for yourselves.” Numbers 31: 17-18)

    If that isn’t enough for you, what about all of the various times god commands his people to stone each other for everything from cheating (Deuteronomy 17:2-7) to talking back to your parents (Proverbs 13:24; Proverbs 19:18; Proverbs 22:15)?

    Or how about allowing torture with slaves? Check out Exodus 21:20-21 to learn more.

    And before you go all “the Old Testament doesn’t count” on me like Christian’s are wont to do (as though picking and choosing various bits out is ok while ignoring all the fucked up bullshit instead of owning it and saying that yeah, women are worthless and deserve to be raped for no reason at all (Lot’s daughters, in case that wasn’t clear to you)) Jesus was tortured during his crusifiction, because I guess god wanted it that way?

    So yeah, the god of your bible absolutely promotes torture. And if you’ve actually read it like you claim you have, you’d know that.

  • 38 times, not 3. Also, there was no “machete”, it was a cellphone. And even after all that, one of them was still yelling at him to put his hands up or he’d shoot again, while the guy was facedown and dead on his own front lawn…

    “After the shooting, a Border Patrol agent could be heard threatening to shoot Mattia again if he didn’t put his hands out as the agent approached him lying motionless face down on the ground.

    “Put your hands out, bro. You’re gonna get shot again,” an agent yelled at Mattia in the video as he was approaching him. Mattia’s cell phone and case could be seen lying next to him in the video.”

  • I’m Canadian, so I didn’t learn about Andrew Jackson at all, and only was aware of his existence because he’s on some money or something. But WOW what an ASSHOLE!!! Imagine how fucking full of yourself you’d have to be to wipe out a whole village, find one tiny sole survivor, and then give him to your child to be a fucking pet.

    Unbelievable!!! And then to act like you’re some kind of benevolent savior when you were the cause of the goddamn genocide to begin with. I can’t even.

    I’m sorry this happened to your ancestors. I’m sorry all of it happened. People are horrible.

    Edit: wait, this was the guy responsible for the Trail of Tears as well?! Wasn’t he the inspiration for Hitler?!? Holy fuck.

    What the fuck, America!!!

  • What about gravity and friction though? Because as it stands now, if the string was in a frictionless environment and was unaffected by gravity, then yes, you’d be able to ring the bell. However, the friction between the string and the earth over that kind of distance would require more pull strength than the string itself would be able to handle without breaking, unless it was made of some crazy strong material like some kind of nanocarbon alloy or something like that.