I don’t have aphantasia but I have ADD. It causes me so many problems in my day to day life and in my relationships. It’s one of those things that people think that either I am too lazy to “just do it” or “just make an effort to remember” or that I am mentally challenged If I try to explain it. Or worse, people think they have it too because they have all the symptoms some of the time. For me it’s not a woopsie daisy kind of forgetfulness, it’s every. Single. Time. All. The. Time. So I don’t have aphantasia but I kind of understand the struggle, of not being neurotypical. I am very curious about what it means to have aphantasia, would you care to explain what it’s like?
It’s fine I am not here for imaginary points but for good conversation like this 😁. That sounds very hard, for my part most of my thinking revolves around imagining objects, even when they’re metaphores like trees when coding and such. You have all my sympathy as well, hopefully you can find ways to work around it and figure out solutions.