I’m a technical kinda guy, doing technical kinda stuff.

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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: September 27th, 2023


  • Did they give you a very funny reason for this requirement, or is it just some windows exclusive garbage that doesn’t work in wine?

    Why do people always ask this kind of crap?

    If you have a corporate laptop, it will likely have a suite of software centrally managed by your company’s IT department.

    It will contain software that is also centrally licenced so that your boss doesn’t have to figure out how to pay for thousands of dollars of software, they can just tell IT to bill a licence for software X to your cost centre at $13.75 a month.

    It will have a domain login that is your corporate identity which will usually require multi factor authentication.

    It will have some corporate VPN solution which operates mostly transparently and requires zero setup on your part.

    It will contain company sensitive data which will usually be encrypted by bitlocker, whose keys are stored with your domain account.

    It will have the usual Teams/Outlook/SharePoint stuff with a centralised calendar and contacts for your company, and likely security classifications for all the communications you do through it, allowing you to join groups, accept invites to restricted groups, and limit access, all linked to your domain account.

    It will have mapped drives to your corporate file storage , again, all linked to your domain account.

    It will probably have OneDrive, synced to a corporate server, again, linked to your domain account.

    It will have a printing solution that is linked to your domain account so that your printers follow you wherever you go and you can easily find and print to the secure print queue on some random printer you happen to walk past in one of your offices, so you can enter your PIN or swipe your access card and have that IMPORTANT_SECRET_RESEARCH.DOC file print while you’re standing in front of the printer.

    And finally, your work laptop does not belong to you. Wiping it and installing Linux plus Wine and keeping company sensitive data on an unmanaged device will attract the ire of HR.

    Your IT department won’t give a crap. But they also won’t help if anything doesn’t work, such as trying to join a domain to access allllll those domain-linked features with an unauthorised device.

    They will simply re-image your laptop to bring it back to a known state that they can deal with, because they are dealing with thousands of devices. They need everything to be homogeneous simply because they don’t have the manpower to manage anything else or to audit a million different configurations for security issues or data leaks.

    So no, suggesting Linux + Wine to run some “windows exclusive garbage” isn’t an answer here.

  • Precisely.

    A 1200 watt microwave is essentially like a 1200 watt bar heater if you’re outside the oven cavity. To a person, it will feel pretty warm at a distance of a few feet as the energy is basically unfocused as it exits through the open door.

    But to a drone, it’s 1200 watts of RF noise near a receiving device that’s tuned to listen for signals that are typically around 0.00000001 watts. It would be like trying to hear a pin drop at a rock concert.

    Do need to make sure you point it upwards though as it will cause havoc with microwave motion sensors and a bunch of other sensitive listening stuff. Also, good luck getting wifi within a hundred metres of it.

  • The bug is the lack of documentation and that a simple unguarded command can erase all user’s data on the system.

    Also, the principle of least surprise would like a word.

    If I look at the command line arguments of a program called “systemd-tmpfiles” and one of them is called “purge” I will generally assume that option will purge temporary files.

    Now it turns out that someone decided that this program would be a simple way to do something with /home directories(*) so they included /home in the config file for the program, the file that the program reads by default when it is invoked.

    Who decided it would be a good idea for it to deal with /home?



    (*)I have no idea what this program is doing with /home in its config file. I will presume that there is a useful and mostly logical reason for it, and that this command line option was just an unfortunate footgun for those users who were not intimately familiar with systemd.

  • Assumption:

    Someone crams a 300 watt solar panel onto the roof of their EV and manages to integrate it into the charging system so that it’s pretty efficient to use that power.


    One hour of good sunshine on the 300 watt panel = 300 watt-hours (Wh).

    Average EV energy usage : 200Wh per kilometre these days. Maybe a little more, maybe a little less, depends on how and where you’re driving.


    One hour of perfect sunshine hitting the roof of your car equals 1.5 kilometres of extra range, or you can drive your car in a steady-state fashion at a 3-5 kilometres per hour because an EV is more efficient than the average usage at lower speeds.


    Probably better off increasing the storage capacity of the battery as a full day’s sunshine will get you about 10 kilometres of range.

  • I hate how bloated the kernel is. I’d like it to fit into main memory.

    Take a copy of lspci, lsusb. Use them to build a kernel from source with only the bits you need and then make the bits you might need modules. Include your filesystem driver into the kernel and you can skip the usual initramfs stage and jump straight to your root filesystem.

    Might take a few tries, but at least it doesn’t take 18 hours to compile the kernel anymore…

  • You need silicon.

    The earth’s crust is about 25 percent silicon. Sand made out of quartz like desert sand is about 50 percent silicon. Beach sand is usually mainly calcium carbonate from shells and it doesn’t contain much silicon at all. Volcanic beach sand is more likely the same as the earth’s crust so 25-50 percent.

    So as long as you refine your sand/gravel/rocks/lava so that you’re left with pretty much pure silicon, you’re good to go.


    Sing a song of sixpence a pocket full of rye,

    Four and twenty blackbirds baked in a pie.

    When the pie was opened the birds began to sing,

    Oh wasn’t that a dainty dish to set before the king?

    The king was in his counting house counting out his money,

    The queen was in the parlour eating bread and honey

    The maid was in the garden hanging out the clothes,

    When down came a blackbird and pecked off her nose!

    Moral of the story, don’t be a minor character in an 18th century nursery rhyme.