Doctor xNo

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 4th, 2023


  • Doctor xNo@r.nftoPrivacy@lemmy.mlDo you use virtual credit cards?
    1 year ago

    My bank’s VISA functionality on my bankingcard not only requires a 2FA confirmation with a cardreader digipass every payment, but apparently also gives back an ‘expired’ answer when it gets checked after payment for ‘saving it for future purchases/subscriptions’, so most sites won’t and the ones that do have me removing and readding it everytime I want to pay… A bit of a hassle, yes, but it does prevent rogue companies from taking anything I’m not acknowledging behind my back and made the use of proxy-cc’s obsolete. It’ll just add another technical step through another service, which is just one extra thing that can bug out, while still having to do the digipass thing everytime anyway (or even remove and readd it there if it’s not able to save my card either.) 😅

  • Pretty sure that if you get to see a lot of “Violent Content” on your Facebook, you’re either following the wrong groups or have wrong friends who you chose to allow to (or you’re specifically looking it up 😅). If there’s anything Facebook is good at, it’s at keeping people cosy in their selective information bubble. I myself have maybe had 5 posts that actually had shocking content I rather not had seen in the 14 years I was on Facebook, and I think most of them by the same 1 person that I eventually asked to exclude me if they post stuff alike… 😅

    Not gonna argue that visual shock trauma isn’t a thing, it surely is! (I have sadly collected a small (mind-)museum of those in my lifetime myself.) Nor am I gonna claim Facebook “isn’t that bad”, it definitely is too! But this just has moneyfishing written all over it.

    👴🏼 Oh, well,… Back in my day, when we saw something that would scar us for life, we’d immediately call as many friends possible to come look at it too… 👴🏼 😅

  • That would maybe solve it if you have 5 phones in your store, but I really don’t want to be the person that has to “go charge and update the iphones in storage again” if they store hundreds of phones and each needs to be placed on a charging station for an unknown amount of time “until it beeps” one by one… 😅

    The stationproblem you mention however is easily fixed by making it diagonally with a fitting edge the box perfectly fits in, so you can just slide in the box and gravity + edge puts it in the right spot. Add a big sticker for employees that states which direction and done. 😅

  • Well, if those become necessary I’ll just have to add Mastodon, along with anything known too well, in the bin for government-ruined software and start using hidden services… I will never willfully comply to spyware, not even (read: especially not) government-approved ones.

    I have no idea if Mastodon has any plans adding those to the instance software though… Probably will if they get lawfully obligated I suppose, but I still sincerely hope not (as I still also sincerely hope this proposal gets dismissed for the obvious contradicting privacy laws it breaks and the vulnerabilities of backdoors).

  • Since there is no hierarchical top general moderator/admin and every instance is under supervision by the respective owners of these instances, responsibility of safety is technically forwarded to individual instance admins as far as their instance goes. Or that’s what I make of it at least, anyone feel free to correct me if I’m wrong. Also, the above conclusion does not include any possible random future law made up to state differently (decision-making entities have weird unpredictable logics… 😅)

    As far as for Mastodon itself, it could use some upgrades in its user management and reporting features, though (an option to automate instant reactions (like tempban until reviewed) on certain categories of reports (like child abuse and extreme/shocking violence) to prevent anyone reported for those kinds of things actively being able to continue until an admin sees and processes the report and reports are definitely not visible enough yet).

  • I still think it’s not very nice to go break into people’s devices for the sole purpose of seeing what they do in private. Dunno if this is just yet another of my unpopular opinions, I’m known to think differently about key subjects, but I don’t need or want any spyware to possibly misjudge a naked picture of my gf to either send it to some stranger to look at or, even worse, temporarily flag me as something I’m not until I have to go show them the picture for human review myself, at which point damage will already have been done. This already happened to one guy using MS’s OneDrive (which is why I emptied out my OneDrive and stay away from it these days), please keep my local computer storage safe from surveillance… 😕

    I get that child-abuse needs to stop (or preferably never have existed at all in the first place), but nothing justifies surveiling private information that has no intent of doing harm. I would even advocate that it’s the buying/selling of it and of course the creation of it which does the harm, and not the merely having a misjudged file you found one drunk winternight on the free web and stored somewhere. I still think these people are sick and I do share the population’s general feelings of wanting to castrate every last possible one of them, but actually doing that would go against so many other of my base principles, of which “you do you if you don’t bother another” is a big one for example… I’d say to leave people that (however disgusting their tastes are) don’t do actual harm alone and focus on the ones that actually do hurt kids. It’s easy to ignore, but in the end facts seem to show that (with exceptions of course due to human diversity) it seems to be a form of unintentional sexual preference rather than bad intent. If they do not act on it, it’s just something they can’t help having. And if they can’t help having it, it just doesn’t feel right disrupting lives and defaming people on that base alone.

    Anyway, vote me down if you must, I’m used to having the unpopular opinion, but please don’t get me wrong: I’m not advocating for anyone that actually has CSAM stored, but for the rest of us that doesn’t want the possible wrongful implication - resulting in unnecessary show-and-tells about private pictures - of it either. I’m not that much interested in punishing people for what they ‘might’ do wrong, while it already seems impossible to get rid of all those that actually do/try/intent… 🤷‍♂️

  • I have a 5G CGNAT ISP router, but distanced myself from it by adding my own full access router connected via a LAN cable to my ISP one and using its wifi instead of the ISP’s wifi. This prevents the ISP router from stealing IP addresses (it can literally do whatever it wants to its IP ranges as long as it feeds internet through the LAN cable), and gives me full control over local network IP addresses (as I also am not provided any login to the ISP router).

    Might be an extra NAT, but that kinda becomes moot being behind CGNAT that can’t open external ports anyway.