• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I was looking for Captain Marvel movie content way back when it came out and accidentally clicked on one of those pitiful right-wing, woman-hating nerdbro videos and my suggestions suddenly became quite heavily peppered with similar horrible content. It feels the same thing doesn’t happen with non-conservative content quite so much. I wonder if there’s just so much right-wing and liberal content that the algorithm’s percentage calculations don’t know how to compensate for this sort of political nuance, or is it something more insidious?

  • I also hate the inclusion of the u/spez freakout about employees not wearing reddit colours in public for fear of physical harm. It is a full-on propaganda tactic, in the vein of Elon Musk or Trump’s bullshit. It immediately puts shade on the userbase. These “journalists” should get their shit together and either write about how ridiculously stupid he was to say that or just not present it at all, it’s barely relevant to the article. For anyone who has actually been following along, the way the article presents that tidbit is inane and completely false at best.

  • Thanks for the tip. I am enjoying seeing the piped bot providing links on lemmy. Unfortunately the old browser versions that I was able to install (edge and chrome) do not seem to want to load the site, they also give errors saying the site isn’t secure, even though it works fine on my phone. I guess I should be glad I even have the option to watch something on a slightly larger screen.

  • I am currently stuck with a super old ipad3 on ios9.3.6 and the only way I have been able to watch youtube on it is through the edge browser, nothing else seems to work. But the version of edge is so old that there aren’t any working extensions. I have jailbroken it with phoenix and installed cydia (both of which suddenly stopped working), but it turns out the cydia app that lets you install older versions of stuff has also been discontinued.

    I have never not used some sort of adblocker, I am shocked at how often I have to interact with the device to skip ads. You also have to unfullscreen to be able to skip so sometimes I just let the ads run.

    I get that ads keep youtube chugging along but, jesus christ, maybe it shouldn’t be chugging along any longer. I was trying to watch a 40 minute video yesterday and there were double ads basically every 6 minutes! I feel the freedom to place ads wherever you want in your own video has really destroyed the youtube experience for those who can’t or won’t use adblockers.