my gf’s mom ended up a firefox user because it had the cute fox logo, she didn’t even know what it was called
my gf’s mom ended up a firefox user because it had the cute fox logo, she didn’t even know what it was called
you know what that makes sense so I looked into it, one method of detecting csam is hashing the image and comparing it to a database of hashes of known csam images. so I guess that method might not work for “original” csam images.
apple csam detection [download]
interestingly, Google says they use AI also but didn’t really get into the details.
it’s my understanding that the csam datasets (once already labeled by people) are hashed to the point of being unrecognizable before being passed around.
yes, game engines are highly complex programs with decades of development, problem solving, and bug squashing under their belt. Fortunately there’s about to be high demand for a foss engine so I imagine Godot will get pretty good, but it’s got a long way to go.
Facebook is the best positioned by far, they just need a popular payment service