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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 25th, 2023


  • I don’t think that’s the job of Valve.
    They tried to push Linux gaming a decade ago by providing a Linux distribution optimized for gaming and invited hardware vendors to sell machines with that distri.

    At that time a gaming optimized distribution was hardly needed, so they were pioneers at the time.
    And they still maintain their SteamOS, although it is only supported on Steam Decks.

    But there has so many happened since then. Gaming Hardware is working from Day 1 with Linux. Proton - wich is supported by Valve - is supporting latest games on Linux, mostly from Day 1. At least if the developers don’t actively sabotage it.
    As a result we don’t have that one SteamOS distribution which would ultimately put us in dependece from Valve. We have several different gaming optimized distributions that you can use.

    It’s great that Valve does so much for Linux gaming, but I don’t want them to manage everything.

  • I want to add OpenTTD and Battle for Polytopia to the list.
    OpenTTD is a free as free can be transport simulation. You have to get used to the controls, but I had some fun with it on my android tablet. Although I prefer to play it on PC.
    Battle for Polytopia is a Civilization style game with awesome Voxel graphic for mobile devices. One game in standard mode lasts about an hour. It is free2play in a way that you get the game and the first 3 civilizations for free and can buy additional ones for a small fee. Offline playing is possible and I’ve never seen any ads in it.

    Oh, and of course try Gwent.
    This is a CCG in the world of The Witcher - known from the books, the games and of course the Netflix series too.
    It’s free to play, and very generous to free players. No ads, no pay2win, and you gain ressources to craft your cards very fast.
    If you want to see some gameplay: I am streaming it every wednesday on Twitch.

  • Depends.
    …from what games you want to play, which hardware are you using, and so on.
    I built up a new pc last november, mostly for gaming. So nobara was a great choice and all my games are running fine on it. Including Baldurs Gate3, Cyberpunk 2077, Satisfactory and Everspace2.
    If you are not into buying the top-notch games on day one, you may look into other distros too. Nobara is grear, but I had some issues with my display setup (2 monitors with different rosolution) that may not have happened with mint or another more stable distro

  • I tried Pioneers of Pagonia and Foundry yet.

    Pioneers is a building strategy game in the tradition of the Settlers series, of which I was a great fan until Ubi ruined it.
    Foundry is a mix of factory/automation simulation comparable to Factorio or Satisfactory - and minecraft. With a big priority for factories, and decent system requirements.

    Both make a great impression for now, although there are no story elements yet, and no enemies.
    So it’s just building up your economy. Which is okay for a start. I put both on my wishlist, and I will most probably buy into pioneers on start of EA indecember.
    I have small doubts on Foundry whether it will be fun in the long term. Because by now it’s “minecraft part” consists only of the materials dirt and stone. And since the factorIes themselfes look rather ugly (compared to satisfactory) I would wish for many stuff to build pretty buildings around them.

  • Since I do streams myself I have no problem with this.
    I alway have a browser window with my own stream open for control reasons.
    This at least worked perfectly for Baldurs Gate 3.

    For CP they chose to limit the drops to a bunch of streamers i was totally uninterested in. So I did open a new browser tab, started the stream on some random guy that announce to give drops, and muted it. Then I did my thing. Went later back to the tab and collected my reward.

  • No. Just killed too many Tiefling.
    First they held my friend Laezael hostage.
    Then they got aggro when I tried to read their mind. Then they wanted to imprison me for looting the corses - as if the corpses had any use for their possessions any longer. And in the end they interfered when I wanted to bring Zazza home through the remains of the Tiefling camp. As if they had not learned to that point…
    But even though i helped defend the grove (and the few surviving Tieflings) and they showed great gratitude to me for helping them, Karlach was no longer willing to join my team.

  • Depends from how many games you want to buy during the life span of your console. If you are happy with one or two games, and only interested in Singleplayer then go cheaper with a Playstation, Xbox or Switch.
    If you need assistance in using a full flegded Desktop Environment you could even buy a few games more because you will never need to call an IT professional to reinstall your Console after you clicked to wrong link in the internet ;)