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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 4th, 2023


  • I would argue that NixOS absolutely is the OS you get if your time is worthless, but not every distro is the same. I’d argue that if you need something that doesn’t have so many issues a stabler or easier to use distro (Debian, Ubuntu, Pop!_OS, Linux Mint, and even Fedora or openSUSE) is going to be a better option than trying to bend specifically NixOS to do what you want.

    I personally use a mix of Pop, Debian, and Fedora, not because they’re particularly powerful, but because they tend to be more straightforward for what I want to do than NixOS, Gentoo, or Arch. I don’t mind tinkering, but for my main machines I don’t want to tinker much.

    Edit: I should clarify that there are plenty of reasonable uses of Windows and I don’t fault anyone for using it especially if their familiarity is keeping them from understanding Linux as well as they want to. But I also would make the case that there are a lot of distros out there.

  • You and I would have been enemies in the 16-bit era, but I adore the Sega Genesis. (However, I’m also a sleepy bisexual, so I’m gonna say we’re probably nowhere close to enemies.)

    It was an arcade monster and got a ton of amazing games from the arcades and purpose-built for the machine — many the SNES also got, but some exclusives that really took advantage of what the Genesis could do well. I’d argue that the gritty FM sound chip was better for certain types of game music as well, though that’s not to say that the SNES wasn’t largely superior on that front.

    At the end of the day… yeah 16 bit stuff looks amazing

  • Tetris Worlds on PC was one of my favorites — A surreal, story-based Tetris with interesting twists on the gameplay, and the first Guideline Tetris game, setting in stone what “official” Tetris would look and act like even now. (Some love that, some hate it, I’m nowhere near a high enough level player to care either way and just like a cool looking Tetris game.)

  • This, 100%. While GB Tetris and NES Tetris were some of the first games I remember playing, Tetris DS was one of the first Tetris games I loved. And you’ve absolutely got a point that the original DS does best; the mushy D-pad on the DS Lite just plays it so much worse in my experience. (I feel good about it on my New 2DS XL though other than the either very soft image or very small image I get from it though)

  • Ares as a project has a goal of accuracy at any cost, so tends to need a lot more resources than most other emulators. Before the tragic loss of Near, they wrote an absolutely exceptional article about the development of bsnes/higan and how much power it required for cycle-accuracy of SNES hardware, and it’s way more than you would think is feasibly necessary given that emulators like ZSNES (or Gens, as was my Sega emulator of choice at the time) ran under a crappy Celeron in the 90s.

    I will say your CPU will likely throttle back well before it’ll shut down due to overheating. It might affect emulation performance some, but your PC shouldn’t shut down or anything.

  • Is it a Core i7 or a Core 2 series processor? 2007 would suggest the latter, and I would absolutely argue for either that you really should prefer something with Xfce or a similar lightweight desktop (maybe Cinnamon or MATE).

    I’d probably recommend Linux Mint as a lightweight user-friendly distro, and I’d suggest any of the three available variants based on what you like the most aesthetically.

    Additionally, if you haven’t opened them up for a while, pick up an inexpensive SSD for both of them if they don’t have them already. Modern OSes really expect an SSD over a spinning disk as the boot drive.

  • It’s exactly as most people describe: Arch with a Calamares installer, for all the good and bad that entails. I’ve never been sold on Arch for daily driver use since stability and simplicity is paramount to me, so I tend to use Fedora as a relatively up-to-date distro that I can generally trust not to totally break.

    However, if you really want to jump in both feet first into troubleshooting and learning Linux, Arch and EndeavourOS are fantastic. Neither holds your hand too much out of the box but they also have an excellent and helpful community and documentation if you run into trouble or don’t know how to do something. Just… you have to be willing to deal with that kinda stuff, and not everyone is (I’m certainly not).