Eugene V. Debs' Ghost

I said then, and I say now, that while there is a lower class, I am in it, and while there is a criminal element I am of it, and while there is a soul in prison, I am not free.

Anarchist/libsoc. If we’re stuck with a government, it should use its taxes for healthcare and education, not murdering.

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Joined 13 天前
Cake day: 2024年10月10日


  • Well, seeing as 1/3 of Americans are brainwashed by mass media into following whatever hype train is set forth by the rich, I can see that. If their favorite corporate owned and ran “news” told them they didn’t need to eat, they would stop eating.

    America is home to racist morons, has been since July 4th, 1776. Most of the Founding Fathers owned slaves, and the Senate and Electoral College were established to ease the slave owners/states that their “property” would remain theirs.

    We’ve been a nation of hypocritical xenophobes who taught freedom and liberty while giving none of it to the majority, and every time we try to fix that they double down and make things worse. Not a single time has the US Government (or any government for that matter, but that’s more a “whatabout” in this topic) given people what they wanted freely, and peacefully.

    If we wanted to get rid of brain dead morons, we would solved it in the Civil War and Reconstitution. Second chance was in the 1960s when we were breaking down the barriers. Instead we still placated to the racists because we didn’t want to be too mean to the racist, sexist morons who started the mess in the first place.

  • Thin narrow margin for Harris, several swing states are a new Florida of leaning and ballot counting taking forever. Then right wingers get upset, try to sue as they also then shoot local people for not sieg heiling Trump.

    Harris enters office in Jan, makes some statements of how this is horrid, says she’ll do something to help it, but won’t solve the issues that make people consider being fascists who shoot mosques.

    From there we’ll see the first 100 days of her term, and if the Senate and House are in favor, we might get some good bills in for a short term solutions to the long term diseases of American necrotic brain damage of conservatism.

    For most people, nothing changes. Anti-trans bills are still in place, putting abortion back will be near impossible, and police will still shoot first ask questions second. Maybe some debts are cleared, weed is maybe legalized finally, but the county is the same as it was under Biden.

  • There you go, now you’re not using sexuality as an insult. Keep it up and you might get to me. I’m starting to feel that spark of your neurons and synapses go off with that one.

    If it helps, I’m anarchist. I don’t like the USSR or China or North Korea. Fuck every one of them. Fuck every single murder they’ve done in the name of their personal “freedom”. I’m just not above criticizing the country I live in, as Americans policies impact me more.

    It’s call the 1st Amendment, something Trump fans don’t understand. I’m free to call America and it’s followers brainwashed morons who vote for right wing policies and act like it’s good when they do it.

    I’m not going to support lies about things I disagree with. Queermunist isn’t right wing. She is more of a ML than I am. That doesn’t make her right wing, it means she can be okay with a use of force on the people in the name of her ideology. Authoritarism can come in many flavors, but she isn’t right wing.

    Unless suddenly vegan food is a new right wing dog whistle, but Trump shit-for-brain weirdos don’t really like the idea not not eating beef and pork.