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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Games really have to strike a chord with me to stick around in my memory. The last ones that truly left an impression were from when I first got into gaming. I can still vividly remember the impact of Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven, GTA 3, and Vice City and San Andreas—they consumed my thoughts entirely. The allure of uncovering hidden secrets, areas left unexplored, that’s what really drew me in. Half-life 2 was a mind-blowing breakthrough with its physics and storytelling. But nowadays, that spark just seems to be missing. The closest I’ve come recently was with Blizzard’s Heroes of the Storm. The thrill of snatching a victory against the odds, the sense of connection with total strangers—it was something special. It’s the only game that still gets my heart racing these days. However, I’ve found myself drifting away from HotS more and more; it feels like the game is losing its luster (or maybe it’s Blizzard who’s letting it fade… or perhaps MOBAs in general are falling out of favor). As for recent gems that really struck a chord with me, I’d have to mention Hollow Knight, Control (seriously underrated in my opinion—easily one of the best metroidvanias out there, if not the best), and Baldur’s Gate 3, which was unexpectedly captivating.

  • True, but propagandists don’t care. They pick facts that support their view and discard ones that oppose it. So, for everyone who says “FUCK RUSSIA,” they answer with “SEE, SEE, WE ARE RIGHT, WE SHOULD RESIST AND FIGHT BACK.” They will just pull your words out of context.

    So, if you are a responsible citizen, I ask you not to spread hatred towards our country, but to support it on the way to sanity, normality, and democracy. Please spread hatred towards propagandists, war criminals, and usurpers instead.

  • It’s sad to witness the animosity towards Russia. The responsibility lies with Putin and those who actively support him - they seized power and manipulated the populace, and commit war crimes. Not all Russians do that. Despite his suppression of independent media and the severe penalties, including up to 15 years of imprisonment, for engaging in not only “anti-war” but even “pro-peace” protests, a significant number of people continue to oppose the war.

    Putin’s narrative revolves around the notion that “in the West, they harbor hatred towards us, attempting to dismantle us.” By uttering “fuck Russia,” unwittingly or not, you’re just endorsing Putin and his propaganda. Please don’t do that. Instead, say “fuck Putin”.

  • Although I am also very much against government control over things and believe that for every one good control law from the government, we get 5 things that infringe upon our rights, I believe this particular legislation is a good one. I don’t think that phone manufacturers maliciously make irreplaceable batteries (although they do many other malicious things, so who knows), but there was a race for thinness back in the mid-2000s when irreplaceable batteries were “invented”; now it’s just inertia. In any case, I can see a demand for fully repairable items and believe that the market is moving in that direction; governments are just pushing it a little.