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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • Pfft. Sounds like free cars to me.

    Would have been nice if they had left the keys…I think I would have considered it if I knew I wasn’t coming back. But those all look like they were driven by the rich.

    Hopefully the local authority do something interesting with them when they get ownership. Donating Ukraine for example. I’d imagine that even if they are too difficult to get keys for they, the more common/utilitarian vehicles can break for important spares.

    That said, I’m sure then cars pictured are likely indicative of the whole range that has been left, so probably not.

  • The FBI say the median number of shots to end a citizen involved shooting is 6 rounds. That’s a person v person shooting.

    Would you still feel comfortable with a revolver knowing that there was a chance you would need to use it?

    Personally I don’t agree with the concept of weapons for citizen self defence (vs people), it getting to that point is a total and systematic failure of every system in place that lead to that point; from mental healthcare, to education. Law enforcement to the media broadcast. However the topic is the US, and they are what they are at present. And it’s a legally legitimate option.

    The fact that I am arguing is that magazine size is so completely irrelevant. It’s a quick fix easy sticky plaster political knee jerk, just like every other stupid and shitty ban or regulation.

    The fact is that you can’t ban gun in the US. It’s just impossible. There’s too many of them that any change in law in that regard would take generations to see effect and there are too many people that live in circumstances where there is a genuine reason for ownership and use (as you know living in Australia. Drop Bears).

    People in the US need to admit that the solution is from the bottom. Improving education, mental healthcare, reducing extremism, eradicating the constant divisiveness in everything, etc etc. These things have only really become real in the last 15 years against 100s of years of ingrained firearm ‘rights’. But that’s too hard. So just make a piece of plastic that’s a bit smaller than what it once was.